RNA Isolation Specifically for Microarrays TheMagMAX-96 for Microarrays Total RNA Isolation Kit(patent pending) is designed for high throughput isolation of total RNA from mammalian cells and tissues in 96 well plates. It combines the gold standard for isolating RNA for use wi...
105 HeLa cells MagMax™-96 Total RNA Isolation Kit (with DNase digestion) 26.62 39.63 13.01 105 HeLa cells PureLink® RNA Mini Kit (without DNase digestion) 26.68 27.95 1.27 104 HeLa cells TaqMan® Gene Expression Cells-to-CT™ Kit (without DNase digestion) 30.14 ...
RNA PowerSoil Total RNA Isolation Kit Sample - MO BIO 热度: USERGUIDE ForVeterinaryUseOnly. MagMAX ™ -96ViralRNAIsolationKit CatalogNumbersAM1836,AMB1836-5 PublicationNumber1836M RevisionH ForVeterinaryUseOnly. Theinformationinthisguideissubjecttochangewithoutnotice. ...
Isolation TechnologySilica Spin Column Sample TypeMilk, Plasma, Saliva, Serum, Swabs (Nasal, Buccal, or Urogenital), Urine, Whole Blood, Virus Final Product TypeViral DNA and RNA High-throughput CompatibilityNot High-throughput Compatible (Manual) ...
Hieff NGS® MaxUp Human rRNA Depletion Kit (rRNA & ITS/ETS)利用RNase H消化法去除人、小鼠和大鼠来源总RNA中的核糖体RNA和45S ITS/ETS区域以保留信使RNA (mRNA)和其它非编码RNA。该试剂盒对于完整和部分降解的总RNA(如FFPE RNA)均具有良好的rRNA去除效果。由于降解的FFPE样本相比新鲜组织样本通常含有较高...
5. PCR产物因操作不当极容易产生气溶胶污染,进而影响实验结果准确性。推荐将PCR反应体系配制区和PCR产物纯化检测区进行强制性的物理隔离;配备文库构建专用移液器等设备;定时对各实验区域进行清洁(推荐使用ThermoFisher公司的DNAZapTM高效核酸去除喷雾),以保证实验环境的洁净度。
Dual-mode RNA Library Prep Kit for MGI?是用于MGI?测序平台的RNA测序文库构建试剂盒,包含RNA片段化试剂,反转录试剂,常规和链特异性dscDNA合成试剂,以及文库扩增试剂。可以衔接mRNA纯化试剂盒或rRNA去除试剂盒构建测序文库。二链合成模块配有两种buffer,客户可根据需要进行常规建库或链特异性建库。其中链特异性二链...
The mirVana miRNA Probe Set and mirVana miRNA Labeling Kit were also used to compare the expression profiles of tumor and non-tumor samples from individual cancer patients. Interestingly, a number of miRNAs appear to be routinely under- or over-expressed in tumors. For instance...
MICROBEnrich™ Kit |使用微阵列芯片技术进行广谱病原体检测 最大限度提高体液中病毒RNA得率的新方法 从血液样品中获取最高质量的RNA 优化的用于临床基因表达及表达谱分析的活体组织切片保存方法 优化的FFPE样品基因表达分析 在RNA 分离前保存组织中的 ...
105 HeLa cells MagMax™-96 Total RNA Isolation Kit (with DNase digestion) 26.62 39.63 13.01 105 HeLa cells PureLink® RNA Mini Kit (without DNase digestion) 26.68 27.95 1.27 104 HeLa cells TaqMan® Gene Expression Cells-to-CT™ Kit (without DNase digestion) 30.14 32.8...