Cost Breakdown for an Online RN-to-BSN Degree Part of finding the most affordable online RN-to-BSN degree means understanding the various costs associated with this degree. Tuition Tuition is usually the first cost students look at when determining whether a program is affordable, as this is th...
RN to BSN online 6. University of Delaware The University of Delaware offers an excellent BSN program for current nurses, as well as several options for advanced nursing degrees. The school is ranked 45 in National Institutes of Health funding, which means students at this school get the unique...
WGU offers a flat-rate tuition model, making it an affordable option for many students. The tuition for the RN to BSN program is approximately $4,290 per term, with each term lasting six months. Most students complete the program in 2 terms, which means the total cost typically ranges fro...
A BSN also enables nurses to pursue a master’s degree and specialize in practice areas such as orthopedics and geriatrics. In terms of RN vs BSN salary, nurses with a BSN degree earn up to $69,697 while RNs earn a salary of $61,360 per year. This means that a BSN can increase a...
This means you can find an RN-BSN program that perfectly fits you. Opportunities for Additional Education Pursuing a bachelor’s in nursing will prepare you to take the next step in your nursing education. Online RN to BSN programs equip students with the skills to pursue a master’s ...
The University of Arkansas’ online RN to BSN degree program defines what it means to be one of the best online nursing programs in the nation. U of A Online offers working RNs access to an accredited RN to BSN online program that combines affordability, quality, and returns on investment ...
In this competitive economy, a working student has a lot of things to think about. Wondering if you arepaying too much for your BSNdoes not have to be one of them. Let us help you find the most affordable RN to BSN program.
But, in the interest of thoroughness, Top RN to BSN has selected 25 nursing podcasts based on their relevance to nursing life, production value, and listenability. Basically, if it’s interesting and engaging, it’s what we’re looking for. The list below is made up of podcasts produced ...
s advantages and goals. The accelerated online program’s apparent advantage is the required time for your degree. You finish the degree in 12 to 18 months rather than taking two or more years to finish up an RN to BSN degree program. The classes are accelerated, which means you have an...
Nursing schools tend to be impacted programs these days. This means that most students need to complete a list of courses and take an exam before being admitted to the major. This leads to the question, How hard is nursing school? The preparation courses are not major level courses, so mos...