"license": "Uburenganzira:", "license-header": "Uburenganzira", "listfiles-delete": "kuraho", "imgfile": "dosiye", "listfiles": "Urutonde rwa dosiye", "listfiles_date": "Igenekerezo", "listfiles_name": "Izina", "listfiles_user": "Uwukoresha", "listfiles_description": ...
Essentials License Debug Wizard by Function SAML SSO for Multi-Factor Authentication Support for Cisco ISE on VMware Cloud on Amazon Web Services and Azure VMware Solution Multiple Attributes Lookup for ODBC Identity Store Cisco ISE API Gateway Certificate Fingerprinting MSRPC Protocol for Passive ID Ser...
LICENSE_MAX_USERS初期化パラメータ 2.172 LICENSE_SESSIONS_WARNING初期化パラメータ 2.173 ライセンス 最大セッション数 2.171 最大ユーザー数 2.172 同時ユーザー・セッションに対する警告 2.173 データベースの制限 A 言語ソート 2.222 LISTENER_NETWORKS初期化パラメータ 2.174 LOB_SIGNATURE_ENA...
Cisco ISE ルート CA の再生成中に表示される「Plusライセンスがコンプライアンス違反状態です(Plus License is out of Compliance)」というメッセージが無効になる。 CSCvu04874 io.netty.buffer.PoolChunk での疑わしいメモリリーク CSCvu56753 CIAM:openjdk の複数の脆弱性。 CSCvu72744 すべ...
[1:1] Direct lookup Keys: 0.CASSETTE_ID = 2.CASSETTE_ID Cross block entry 3 Index only retrieval of relation 1:FHA_LOT Index name FHA_LOTI1 [1:1] Keys: 0.LOT_NO = 1.LOT_NO Cross block entry 4 Conjunct: (1.LOT_NO = 3.LOT_NO) AND (1.TIME_STAMP = ) Merge of 1 entries...
pds.setUser("jdbc_user"); pds.setPassword("jdbc_user"); pds.setInitialPoolSize(0); Connection conn2 = null; for (int i = 0; i< 5 ; i++ ) { conn2 = pds.getConnection(); Statement sc = conn2.createStatement(); . 64 . . rs.close(); sc.close(); conn2.close(); } . ...
Do check the support expiration date in the license file though, as your support contract must be active as of the date when the version you're installing was built. 2. Are you using Veeam Backup Starter? This edition has been discontinued, so v11 will not accept such license files. ...
In addition to the existing roles called "Passport" & "Driver License", "Visa", "ID" & "Unknown" are now going to be available generically without having Advanced Scanning functionality active. 3. During the upgrade, we will check for existing document types configured and if no document ...
"license": "Uburenganzira:", "license-header": "Uburenganzira", "listfiles-delete": "kuraho", "imgfile": "dosiye", "listfiles": "Urutonde rwa dosiye", "listfiles_date": "Igenekerezo", "listfiles_name": "Izina", "listfiles_user": "Uwukoresha", "listfiles_description":...
entry 2 Conjunct Aggregate−F1 Conjunct Index only retrieval of relation T2 Index name I2 [1:1] %RDB−E−INTEG_FAIL, violation of constraint T1_CHECK1 caused operation to fail While the entire T1 index is scanned, at least the value from T1 is used to perform an index lookup on ...