1. 美国的护理学校可以被认为是一个专业的学院,它跟美国的医学院法学院有相似的申请流程.需要修一些预备的基础课程,比如解剖,化学等,通过了之后你才能够申请护理学院,也就是nursing school。当然申请大学的时候你的专业还是护理专业,只是真正开始学习nursing school里面的课程是需要先满足一些要求的,符合条件之后才能够...
Earn a bachelor's degree in nursing from a prestigious University of Wisconsin campus, while continuing work and family life. Most courses offered online.
online course will prepare you to challenge the CNA exam in many states, even if you can’t challenge the exam in your state our course provides the same information as the first year in nursing school. Make sure nursing is the path for you and start nursing school with a firm foundation...
Which Nursing Degree Is Right for Me? Guide to Making a Career Change to Nursing How To Get Into Nursing School Is Nursing School Really Worth It? Nursing School Scholarships Online Midwifery Programs What is a Midwife Explore Midwife Salary, Jobs, and Careers in Midwifery ...
— Hutch Hutchinson, RN, BSN, DirectorBedford School of Practical Nursing Your case studies have our nursing students connecting the dots and asking ‘does this make sense?’ in alignment with the patient’s story. You can almost see the lightbulbs’ brightening the room as they begin to think...
With this as the criteria, Nursing School Hub has named the Top 25 Online RN to BSN Degree Programs. These top 25 include some of the biggest nursing schools in the US and some of the finest small institutions in the world. What they all have in common is providing nurses with the best...
Best Online Family Nurse Practitioner The best online family nurse practitioner (FNP) programs offer a direct route for current nurses to advance their careers […] Read More States Nursing in Georgia Georgia Nursing Here is TopRN’s Georgia nursing information for RN to BSN education, nurse lice...
RealityRN - Helping new nurses by hosting a conversation about the gap between what they learned in school and the often harsh reality of the job.
There are many factors to consider when choosing an online RN-to-BSN degree, including its affordability. While theaverage salary for an RN with a BSNis $77,080, compared to $61,671 for an RN with an associate degree in nursing (ADN), students must still be sure they can afford their...
RN to BSN online 6. University of Delaware TheUniversity of Delawareoffers an excellent BSN program for current nurses, as well as several options for advanced nursing degrees. The school is ranked 45 in National Institutes of Health funding, which means students at this school get the unique ...