Shiftwork and Activism Dec 9 Posted by Grimalkin, RN From my Facebook Page: I am going to make a request. While i have tried to be very vocal about this, and the majority of people are respectful, I need to make it clear: I am a night shift nurse. This means I only work 2-...
Do some nurses consider themselves nurse maids? Yes, and I have an example. I received a letter from a female RN telling me about a hospital she used to work in. The nurse manager put a sign up dictating that whenever the doctor is present, the nurses are to get up and offer them a...
She asked me to write it up but, as I told her, I was not writing articles for awhile in order to help with my dying Aunt Jane. But one night, I woke up at 3 am and felt compelled to write this story. I didn’t know why I felt such an urgency. It was as if something or...