DC427B-A - Demo Board for:LTC1966 - Precision Micropower, Delta Sigma RMS-to-DC Converter Demo Board Design File DC427B - Design File Demo Board Manual DC427B - Demo Manual Demo Board Schematic DC427B - Schematic Products DC427B - Design File ...
is a true RMS-to-DC converter. It accepts low-level input signals from 0 to 400 mV RMS complex input waveforms. It can be operated form either a single supply or dual supplies. The device draws less than 1 mA of quiescent supply current, furthermore, an enable pin is provided to turn...
LTC1966 Precision Micropower ∆∑ RMS-to-DC Converter Features n Simple to Use, Requires One Capacitor n True RMS DC Conversion Using ∆Σ Technology n High Accuracy: 0.1% Gain Accuracy from 50Hz to 1kHz 0.25% Total Error from 50Hz to 1kHz n High Linearity: 0.02% Linearity Allows Simple...
920Kb/10PTrue RMS-to-DC Converters Maxim Integrated Produc...MX536AJEWE 149Kb/12PTrue RMS-to-DC Converters Rev 2; 3/96 Analog DevicesSSM2110 3Mb/11PTRUE RMS TO DC CONVERTER Cyrustek corporationES5 471Kb/8PTrue RMS-to-DC Converter ...
283Kb/13PTrue RMS-to-DC Converters ES7 920Kb/10PTrue RMS-to-DC Converters Maxim Integrated Produc...MX536AJEWE 149Kb/12PTrue RMS-to-DC Converters Rev 2; 3/96 Analog DevicesSSM2110 3Mb/11PTRUE RMS TO DC CONVERTER Cyrustek corporationES5 ...
Figure 2. The transfer function of a logarithmic rms-to-dc converter shows a linear-in-dB relationship between the output voltage (scaled in volts) and the dB-scaled input signal. The plot also shows transfer function ripple and temperature drift (scaled on the right axis). ...
AC-to-RMS Converter Application Board for Actual Size DMS-30PC/LCD Meters Purchase on-line at www.datel.com Technical Notes Features Description:The DMS-EB-RMS board allows the true rms value of ac signals to be displayed on 5V-powered DMS-30PC/LCD digital voltmeters.The meter/board combin...
operatorshallbecarefulenoughtoavoidelectricshock. *Whenmakingmeasurementwithatestlead,placeyourfingersbehindits protectivering. *Whenswitchingtoanothermeasuringrange,besurethattestleadhas alreadybeentakenoffthemeasuredcircuit. 1 *ForallDCfunctions,topreventpotentialelectricshockasaresultof ...
Amongst them, conducted emissions in the frequency range from 9 kHz to 150 kHz have been identified as a relevant aspect to be monitored for safeguarding of EMC, especially as the share of converter-connected devices keeps growing [2], [3], [4], [5]. The research on the increasing ...
Factors to be considered when designing a voltage converter that is to be located within a lamp include the sizes of the lamp and voltage converter, costs of materials and production, production of a potentially harmful DC load on a source of power for installations of multiple lamps, and the...