The value 1001 1001(153d) is the value for the second time zone of peak values. Then, a third reading, that of 0100 1001(73d) is conveyed to the digital comparator 340. The 8 bit memory conveys the value 1001 1001(153d) to the digital comparator 340. This is compared within the ...
2020年2月5日 相比之下,我国的ZTZ-99A型主战坦克更加不显山不漏水,虽然看上去是99式坦克的升级版,但其实99A型坦克的产品编号却是WZ1001,而99式则是WZ123。作为我国新一代的主战坦克,99A型在装甲,... 凤凰网 长炮-哔哩哔哩_bilibili 99a,588战神!——wz1001(e)/ 长...