检查STM32的以太网RMII端口是否已正确初始化,IO端口的时钟是否已开启。 检查连接DP83848的RST引脚(正常工作为高电平,如果网线插入后灯不亮,可能是该引脚没有配置好)的IO是否已初始化。 检查DP83848的CONFIG引脚在复位状态下的电平是否正确。 检查DP83848的地址引脚配置是否与STM32中初始化定义的地址一致。 检查DP83848...
检查STM32的以太网RMII端口是否已正确初始化,IO端口的时钟是否已开启。 检查连接DP83848的RST引脚(正常工作为高电平,如果网线插入后灯不亮,可能是该引脚没有配置好)的IO是否已初始化。 检查DP83848的CONFIG引脚在复位状态下的电平是否正确。 检查DP83848的地址引脚配置是否与STM32中初始化定义的地址一致。 检查DP83848...
mii_txrst rmii_crsdv |<---| PHY | | |<---| mii_txc rmii_rxer |<---| e.g. LAN8720 | | |--->| mii_txen rmii_rxd |<---| | | |--->| mii_txer rmii_txen |--->| | | |--->| mii_txd rmii_txd |--->| | | | MII | | RMII | | ...
AI检测代码解析 /*** * INCLUDES */ #include "driver/gpio.h" #include "board_gpio.h" /*** * PUBLIC FUNCTIONS */ /** @brief NFC复位引脚初始化 @param 无 @return 无 */ void NFC_GPIO_Init(void) { gpio_pad_select_gpio(NFC_RST_GPIO_PIN); // 选择一个GPIO gpio_set_direction(NFC_...
...你好,我现在也在弄am1808的东西,方便的话加个qq601609307 大家一块弄程序中有没有正确处理rst...
FC1001_RMII contains all functions to add a FPGA to an Ethernet network with a Reduced Media Independent Interface, RMII. This is the smallest core with only the absolute necessary functions to enable UDP communication. The UDP interface is a standard AXI Stream interface with status signals. ...
gpio_direction_output(SABRESD_RMII_RST, 0); mdelay(10); gpio_direction_output(SABRESD_RMII_RST, 1); val = phy_read(phydev, 0x0); phy_write(phydev, 0x0, (val |BMCR_RESET)); msleep(500); /* check phy power */ val = phy_read(phydev, 0x0); if (val & BMCR_PDOWN) { ph...
#define IMX6SX_GPR1_VADC_SW_RST_RELEASE (0x0 << 19)-#define IMX6SX_GPR1_FEC_CLOCK_MUX_SEL_MASK (0x3 << 13)-#define IMX6SX_GPR1_FEC_CLOCK_PAD_DIR_MASK (0x3 << 17)-#define IMX6SX_GPR1_FEC_CLOCK_MUX_SEL_EXT (0x3 << 13)+#define IMX6SX_GPR1_FEC_CLOCK_MUX_SEL_MAS...
2 确保硬件连接无误后,在驱动代码中,将RMII_RST_N对应的GIO先拉高,等200ms以上,再拉低试试,T...
t founded in 1982 that transforms global energy systems through market-drivensolutions to align with a 1.5°C future and secure a clean, prosperous, zero-carbon future for all. We work in theworld’s most critical geographies and engage businesses, policymakers, communities, and NGOs to identify...