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泰国铢THB/CNY21.440021.440021.620021.620021.39002025-02-2703:14:01 新加坡元SGD/CNY540.8600540.8600544.9300544.9300538.78002025-02-2703:14:01 瑞士法郎CHF/CNY809.6400809.6400815.9000815.9000805.62002025-02-2703:14:01 丹麦克朗DKK/CNY101.7200101.7200102.5400102.5400101.45002025-02-2703:14:01 ...
Today We provide exchange rate of Chinese RMB. On this page, CNY is converted to all currencies of the world. All prices are latest and regularly updating on h
Dive into historical exchange rates for CNY to THB with Wise's currency converter. Analyse past currency performance, track trends, and discover how currencies have fluctuated over time.
1 THB to RMB, CNY, CNH conversion chart ZoomFromNov 21, 2024ToFeb 19, 20252. Dec16. Dec30. Dec13. Jan27. Jan10. Feb0.210.20750.21250.215200520102015202020251m3m6mYTD1yAll NOTE:The charts above depicts the mid market rate which differs from to our calculation of the average margin based...
THB 21.28 21.46 2025-02-2815:37:06 NZD 406.62 409.97 2025-02-2815:37:06 ZAR 39.16 39.66 2025-02-2815:37:06 KZT 1.4138 1.5127 2025-02-2815:37:06 KRW 0.4956 0.5020 2025-02-2815:37:06 Note: 1.The listed foreign exchange rate is for reference only, and the transaction price should be...
THB 21.48 21.66 2025-02-0804:01:21 NZD 411.72 415.11 2025-02-0804:01:18 ZAR 39.45 39.96 2025-02-0804:02:27 KZT 1.3877 1.4848 2025-02-0804:02:27 KRW 0.4990 0.5054 2025-02-0804:01:18 Note: 1.The listed foreign exchange rate is for reference only, and the transaction price should be...
THB 21.48 21.66 2025-02-1504:01:27 NZD 415.39 418.81 2025-02-1504:01:24 ZAR 39.36 39.86 2025-02-1504:01:30 KZT 1.4154 1.5145 2025-02-1504:01:30 KRW 0.5016 0.5080 2025-02-1504:01:25 Note: 1.The listed foreign exchange rate is for reference only, and the transaction price should be...
THB 21.36 21.54 2025-02-1220:48:06 NZD 410.91 414.29 2025-02-1220:48:06 ZAR 39.42 39.93 2025-02-1220:48:06 KZT 1.4042 1.5025 2025-02-1220:48:06 KRW 0.5003 0.5067 2025-02-1220:48:06 Note: 1.The listed foreign exchange rate is for reference only, and the transaction price should be...
THB 21.53 21.71 2025-02-2409:33:06 NZD 414.91 418.33 2025-02-2409:33:06 ZAR 39.26 39.76 2025-02-2409:33:06 KZT 1.3899 1.4872 2025-02-2409:33:06 KRW 0.5033 0.5097 2025-02-2409:33:06 Note: 1.The listed foreign exchange rate is for reference only, and the transaction price should be...