Today 1 Chinese Yuan to PKR is Rs 38.60. In the last 30 days, the rate of CNY to PKR has fallen. What is the CNY to PKR Interbank Rate today? The CNY to PKR Interbank Rate today is 38.60 Pakistani Rupees for selling. What is the CNY to PKR Open Market Rate today?
The three main places to exchange foreign currency in China are the bank, bank ATMs, the airport exchange kiosks and the black market. The quickest and easiest way to get money in China is to use the China bank ATMs. The exchange rate is good, but there fees, both from the Chinese ban...
1.The listed foreign exchange rate is for reference only, and the transaction price should be subject to the actual trading price of local branches. 2.Apart from the listed foreign currencies, ICBC also offers foreign exchange service in Saudi Riyal (SAR)、U.A.E. Dirhams (AED)、 Hungarian ...
1.The listed foreign exchange rate is for reference only, and the transaction price should be subject to the actual trading price of local branches. 2.Apart from the listed foreign currencies, ICBC also offers foreign exchange service in Saudi Riyal (SAR)、U.A.E. Dirhams (AED)、 Hungarian ...
1.The listed foreign exchange rate is for reference only, and the transaction price should be subject to the actual trading price of local branches. 2.Apart from the listed foreign currencies, ICBC also offers foreign exchange service in Saudi Riyal (SAR)、U.A.E. Dirhams (AED)、 Hungarian ...
PKR 2.5854 2.6066 2025-02-2409:33:03 SEK 68.08 68.64 2025-02-2409:33:03 DKK 101.73 102.57 2025-02-2409:33:03 NOK 65.00 65.53 2025-02-2409:33:03 JPY 4.8449 4.8848 2025-02-2409:33:03 CAD 508.49 512.68 2025-02-2409:33:03 AUD 459.63 463.41 2025-02-2409:33:03 MYR 163.72 165.07 2025...
1.The listed foreign exchange rate is for reference only, and the transaction price should be subject to the actual trading price of local branches. 2.Apart from the listed foreign currencies, ICBC also offers foreign exchange service in Saudi Riyal (SAR)、U.A.E. Dirhams (AED)、 Hungarian ...
1.The listed foreign exchange rate is for reference only, and the transaction price should be subject to the actual trading price of local branches. 2.Apart from the listed foreign currencies, ICBC also offers foreign exchange service in Saudi Riyal (SAR)、U.A.E. Dirhams (AED)、 Hungarian ...
1.The listed foreign exchange rate is for reference only, and the transaction price should be subject to the actual trading price of local branches. 2.Apart from the listed foreign currencies, ICBC also offers foreign exchange service in Saudi Riyal (SAR)、U.A.E. Dirhams (AED)、 Hungarian ...
1.The listed foreign exchange rate is for reference only, and the transaction price should be subject to the actual trading price of local branches. 2.Apart from the listed foreign currencies, ICBC also offers foreign exchange service in Saudi Riyal (SAR)、U.A.E. Dirhams (AED)、 Hungarian ...