Today, on 10 December, the exchange rate for 1 CNY to PKR is RS. 38.34 in the interbank market, according to the State Bank of Pakistan. The Chinese Yuan to PKR exchange rate changed from 38.49 to 38.34 during the last trading session in the currency market. The Chinese Yuan to Pakistan...
Banks often advertise free or low-cost transfers, but add a hidden markup to the exchange rate. Wise gives you the real, mid-market, exchange rate, so you can make huge savings on your international money transfers.Compare us to your bankSend money with WiseDownload...
RMB to USD converter and RMB/USD historical data to compare Chinese Yuan and US Dollars on todays exchange rate on December 18, 2024.
Graf vývoje kurzu z CNY do PKR 1 CNY = 38,99270 PKR 0 Updated a few seconds ago Časové období 48 hours 1 week 1 month 6 months 12 months 5 years Tržní kurz We use the real, mid-market rate with no sneaky mark-up to hide the fees.Learn more ...
BankBuy BankSell PublishTime GBP 922.72 930.31 2024-12-1104:10:03 HKD 93.06 93.48 2024-12-1104:10:03 USD 723.53 726.86 2024-12-1103:01:20 CHF 818.27 825.01 2024-12-1104:10:03 SGD 538.30 542.73 2024-12-1104:10:03 PKR 2.5991 2.6205 2024-12-1104:10:03 SEK 65.82 66.36 2024-12-1104:...
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