Convert 5,000 CNY to MYR with the Wise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Chinese yuan rmb / Malaysian ringgit rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email.
1 RMB is being exchanged for 0.6247 MYR on today on March 24, 2025. This comparison is denoted as RMB/MYR = 0.6247 in currency trading. In this comparison, RMB is the base currency and MYR is the quote or counter currency. Refer the below RMB to MYR conversion table for quick ...
Today We provide exchange rate of Chinese RMB. On this page, CNY is converted to all currencies of the world. All prices are latest and regularly updating on h
林吉特MYR/CNY163.4400164.9100162.57002025-03-2619:40:02 挪威克朗NOK/CNY68.880068.880069.440069.440068.54002025-03-2619:40:02 新西兰元NZD/CNY417.0300417.0300420.1700420.1700414.08002025-03-2619:40:02 菲律宾比索PHP/CNY12.460012.460012.720012.720012.60002025-03-2619:40:02 ...
1 PKR is being exchanged for 0.0407 RMB on today on March 10, 2025. This comparison is denoted as PKR/RMB = 0.0407 in currency trading. In this comparison, PKR is the base currency and RMB is the quote or counter currency. Refer the below PKR to RMB conversion table for quick ...
MYR Je e-mailadres KoersmeldingenChinese yuan rmb maleisische ringgits exchange rate history The exchange rate for Chinese yuan rmb maleisische ringgits is currently 0,609 today, reflecting a 0.050% change since yesterday. Over the past week, the value of Chinese yuan rmb has remained ...
Convert CNY to MYR with the Wise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Chinese yuan rmb / Malaysian ringgit rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email.
2,000 Chinese yuan rmb to Malaysian ringgits Convert CNY to MYR at the real exchange rateAmount CNY Converted to MYR ¥1.000 CNY = RM0.6125 MYR Mid-market exchange rate at 02:10 Track the exchange rateSend moneySave when you send money abroad Sign up today ...
Convert 1 thousand CNY to MYR with the Wise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Chinese yuan rmb / Malaysian ringgit rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email.
Email me when 1 MYR goes above 1.62556CNY Your email address Get rate alerts1 MYR to CNYLast 30 daysLast 90 days High 1.6436 1.6570 Low 1.6256 1.6145 Average 1.6359 1.6339 Change -0.77% 0.58% View full history 1 MYR to CNY stats The performance of MYR to CNY in the last 30 days saw...