Performance: 元4,260 ranged from ₫3,379.33 (yearly low) to ₫3,569.46 (yearly high), a variance of ₫190.13 . Volatility: Fluctuated by 5.63%. CNY to VND Forecast and trending Is the Chinese Yuan Renminbi (RMB) going up or down against the Vietnamese Dong? Today's CNY to VND...
RMB to be an international reserve currency CNH Capital Flow Source: Morgan Stanley Research, March 2011 2 A new market : The CNH Market How can foreign investors invest into China? Equity Investors: Can enter through H-share market in Hong Kong, or A-share market ...
Performance: $30,000 ranged from 元7.011 (yearly low) to 元7.333 (yearly high), a variance of 元0.322 . Volatility: Fluctuated by 4.59%. USD to CNY Forecast and trending Is the US Dollar going up or down against the Chinese Yuan Renminbi (RMB)? Today's USD to CNY exchange rate (7.2...
Performance:€28,000 ranged from 元7.494 (yearly low) to 元7.968 (yearly high), a variance of 元0.474 . Volatility: Fluctuated by 6.33%. EUR to CNY Forecast and trending Is the Euro going up or down against the Chinese Yuan Renminbi (RMB)? Today's EUR to CNY exchange rate (7.549) ...
Performance: $146 ranged from 元7.011 (yearly low) to 元7.286 (yearly high), a variance of 元0.275 . Volatility: Fluctuated by 3.92%. USD to CNY Forecast and trending Is the US Dollar going up or down against the Chinese Yuan Renminbi (RMB)? Today's USD to CNY exchange rate (7.272)...
Performance:€3,683 ranged from 元7.494 (yearly low) to 元7.968 (yearly high), a variance of 元0.474 . Volatility: Fluctuated by 6.33%. EUR to CNY Forecast and trending Is the Euro going up or down against the Chinese Yuan Renminbi (RMB)? Today's EUR to CNY exchange rate (7.557) is...