Convert 93 CNY to HKD with the Wise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Chinese yuan rmb / Hong Kong dollar rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email.
Current Exchange Rate of CNY in the International Market Welcome to our dedicated page for China currency rates at, your one-stop destination for comprehensive and up-to-date information on currency exchange rates in China. As one of the world's leading economies, the China play...
港币HKD/CNY92.990092.990093.370093.370092.41002024-11-2700:50:01 日元JPY/CNY4.70534.70534.74164.74164.69332024-11-2700:50:01 英镑GBP/CNY906.8500906.8500913.5900913.5900906.08002024-11-2700:50:01 澳大利亚元AUD/CNY466.8100466.8100470.5200470.5200468.91002024-11-2700:50:01 ...
RMB to USD converter and RMB/USD historical data to compare Chinese Yuan and US Dollars on todays exchange rate on December 02, 2024.
1 RMB or CNY equals NZD of 0.2314. RMB vs NZD (New Zealand Dollar) currency conversion rate Online. Chinese Yuan Renminbi - CNY vs NZD.
Chinese Yuan Renminbi to Pakistan Rupee Simple tool that helps you in calculating today's conversion rate for Chinese Yuan Renminbi (RMB) to Pakistan Rupee (PKR). RMB to Other Rate Conversions
Our currency converter will show you the current CNY to SGD rate and how it’s changed over the past day, week or month. Top currency pairings for Chinese yuan rmb → CNY to USD → CNY to HKD → CNY to CAD → CNY to EUR → CNY to GBP → CNY to AUD → CNY to INR → CNY to...
Our currency converter will show you the current CNY to EGP rate and how it’s changed over the past day, week or month. Top currency pairings for Chinese yuan rmb → CNY to USD → CNY to HKD → CNY to CAD → CNY to EUR → CNY to GBP → CNY to AUD → CNY to INR → CNY to...
The exchange rate between RMB and HKD will be the market-based prevailing exchange rate determined by BOCG Life from time to time, which may not be the same as the spot rate of banks. The fluctuation in exchange rate may result in losses if a customer chooses to pay premiums in HKD, ...
The convertible currencies should be subject to the actual trading currencies of local branches, customers could consult ICBC branches or call 95588. 【Close 】 Financial Information Foreign Exchange Rates RMB Exchange Spot Rates RMB Deposit Loan Rate Foreign Exchange Deposit Loan Rate Financial ...