香港Renminbi Time Deposit Rate: Less than RMB100,000: Avg: 3 Months的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 人民币定期存款利率:不到10万人民币:平均:三个月 (年利率%)0.532018-04月2004-03 - 2018-04 人民币储蓄存款利率:平均 (年利率%)0.25Apr 2018月Mar 2004 - Apr 2018 ...
ICBC (Asia) – RMB "Interest Plus" Time Deposit Interest Rate up to 4% p.a.! 14 March 2014, Hong Kong – From now till 30 April 2014 ("Promotion Period"), ICBC (Asia) launches RMB "Interest Plus" Time Deposit Promotion: During the Promotion Period, personal customers under Re...
RMB cheques can be used in Hong Kong for any payments and Guangdong Province for the payment of consumer spending and are subject to regulatory requirements applicable from time to time. The Bank reserves all rights under the “Current/Cheque/Savings Account and Time Deposit Account Terms” ...
3. To be eligible for the RMB time deposit interest rate offer, during the promotion period, customers should place the 1, 2, 3, 6 or 12 months RMB time deposit of RMB20,000 or above via any branch, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking or Manned Phone Banking Services of the Bank. ...
deposit interest rate at withdrawal day with 40% discount; for the deposit terms more than half year (including half year) but less than one year, the interests will be paid according to the half-year lump fixed deposit interest rate at withdrawal day with 40% discount; for the deposit ...
deposit interest rate at withdrawal day with 40% discount; for the deposit terms more than half year (including half year) but less than one year, the interests will be paid according to the half-year lump fixed deposit interest rate at withdrawal day with 40% discount; for the deposit ...
deposit interest rate at withdrawal day with 40% discount; for the deposit terms more than half year (including half year) but less than one year, the interests will be paid according to the half-year lump fixed deposit interest rate at withdrawal day with 40% discount; for the deposit ...
deposit interest rate at withdrawal day with 40% discount; for the deposit terms more than half year (including half year) but less than one year, the interests will be paid according to the half-year lump fixed deposit interest rate at withdrawal day with 40% discount; for the deposit ...
deposit interest rate at withdrawal day with 40% discount; for the deposit terms more than half year (including half year) but less than one year, the interests will be paid according to the half-year lump fixed deposit interest rate at withdrawal day with 40% discount; for the deposit ...
deposit interest rate at withdrawal day with 40% discount; for the deposit terms more than half year (including half year) but less than one year, the interests will be paid according to the half-year lump fixed deposit interest rate at withdrawal day with 40% discount; for the deposit ...