→ CNY to HKD → CNY to CAD → CNY to EUR → CNY to GBP → CNY to AUD → CNY to INR → CNY to SGD Most popular currency rates USD KRW INR JPY CAD EUR GBP CNY MXN To USD - 0.00072 0.01185 0.00655 0.71891 1.07190 1.29195 0.13919 0.04956 To KRW 1,398.0...
RMB to USD converterto compare Chinese Yuan and US Dollars on todays exchange rate. 1 RMB is being exchanged for 0.1548 USD on today onDecember 02, 2024. The currency ticker for this pair and its todays exchange rate is denoted asRMB/USD = 0.1548in currency trading. In this comparison,...
3. RMB Currency Exchange We offer convenient RMB exchange services. If you hold a current account in RMB with us and a current account with us in another currency, e.g. GBP, EUR, USD or HKD, you can make currency exchanges by simply transferring funds between two accounts. ■ It is co...
→ CNY to HKD → CNY to CAD → CNY to EUR → CNY to GBP → CNY to AUD → CNY to INR → CNY to SGD Most popular currency rates USD KRW INR JPY CAD EUR GBP CNY MXN To USD - 0.00075 0.01191 0.00674 0.73182 1.09691 1.30755 0.14154 0.05170 To KRW 1,341.4...
The pair experienced low volatility of 3.66%. Low volatility means there is a lower risk of significant price changes. The exchange rate is normally stable. HKD to CNY Currency Performance and Volatility Last 7 Days Performance: $705 varied between 元0.912 (weekly low) and 元0.923 (weekly high...
→ CNY to HKD → CNY to CAD → CNY to EUR → CNY to GBP → CNY to AUD → CNY to INR → CNY to SGD Most popular currency rates MYR USD SGD AUD INR EUR GBP CAD PHP To MYR - 4.21700 3.23241 2.86503 0.05019 4.62815 5.53480 3.10610 0.07473 To USD 0.23714...
→ CNY to HKD → CNY to CAD → CNY to EUR → CNY to GBP → CNY to AUD → CNY to INR → CNY to SGD Most popular currency rates USD KRW INR JPY CAD EUR GBP CNY MXN To USD - 0.00074 0.01191 0.00674 0.73225 1.09725 1.30915 0.14158 0.05176 To KRW 1,348.0...
→ CNY to HKD → CNY to CAD → CNY to EUR → CNY to GBP → CNY to AUD → CNY to INR → CNY to SGD Most popular currency rates EUR USD GBP CHF CAD INR AUD JPY PLN To EUR - 0.91115 1.19581 1.06179 0.67113 0.01084 0.61904 0.00613 0.23174 To USD 1.09751...
Most popular currency pairings for CNY (Chinese Yuan Renminbi (RMB)) → CNY to USD → CNY to HKD → CNY to CAD → CNY to EUR → CNY to GBP → CNY to AUD → CNY to INR → CNY to SGD Most popular currency rates USD KRW INR JPY CAD EUR GBP CNY MXN To...
→ CNY to HKD → CNY to CAD → CNY to EUR → CNY to GBP → CNY to AUD → CNY to INR → CNY to SGD Most popular currency rates EUR USD GBP CHF CAD INR AUD JPY PLN To EUR - 0.93185 1.20045 1.06405 0.66810 0.01106 0.61198 0.00604 0.22979 To USD 1.07315...