10RMB=0.2048SGD CONVERT CONVERT RMB/SGD = 0.20477527600373 RMBSGD 100002047.75 75001535.81 50001023.88 2500511.94 1500307.16 RMBSGD 1000204.78 700143.34 500102.39 25051.19 10020.48 RMB to SGD converterto compare Chinese Yuan and Singapore Dollars on todays exchange rate. 1 RMB is being exchanged for 0.2048...
SGDRMB 10000 48834.02 7500 36625.52 5000 24417.01 2500 12208.51 1500 7325.10 SGDRMB 1000 4883.40 700 3418.38 500 2441.70 250 1220.85 100 488.34SGD to RMB converter to compare Singapore Dollars and Chinese Yuan on todays exchange rate. 1 SGD is being exchanged for 4.8834 RMB on today on March ...
USDHKDCADEURGBPAUDINRSGD 1 USD 1 7.779 1.445 0.963 0.795 1.609 87.391 1.349 1 HKD 0.129 1 0.186 0.124 0.102 0.207 11.235 0.173 1 CAD 0.692 5.385 1 0.666 0.55 1.114 60.497 0.934 1 EUR 1.039 8.079 1.5 1 0.825 1.671 90.769 1.401 Beware of bad exchange rates. Banks and traditional providers...
→ CNY to CAD → CNY to EUR → CNY to GBP → CNY to AUD → CNY to INR → CNY to SGD Change Converter source currency Australian Dollar Brazilian Real British Pound Sterling Bulgarian Lev Canadian Dollar Chinese Yuan RMB Czech Republic Koruna Danish Krone Euro Hong Kong Dollar Hungarian Fori...
RMB to USD Converter RMB to PKR Converter RMB to SGD Converter RMB to HKD Converter RMB to CNY Converter RMB to INR Converter RMB to PHP Converter RMB to EUR Converter RMB to CAD Converter x Video Player is loading. Now Playing Major Currency Performance By Region (2025) ...
RMB to USD Historical Data for 20 years YearRMB/USD 2018$0.1511 2017$0.1481 2016$0.1505 2015$0.1591 2014$0.1627 2013$0.1614 2012$0.1584 2011$0.1548 2010$0.1477 2009$0.1463 2008$0.1439 2007$0.1315 2006$0.1262 2005$0.1605 2004$0.1627 2003$0.1614 ...
10000 89832.37 7500 67374.28 5000 44916.19 2500 22458.09 1500 13474.86 GBPRMB 1000 8983.24 700 6288.27 500 4491.62 250 2245.81 100 898.32 GBP to RMB converter to compare UK Pounds and Chinese Yuan on todays exchange rate. 1 GBP is being exchanged for 8.9832 RMB on today on March 12, 2025. ...
10000 1117.34 7500 838.00 5000 558.67 2500 279.33 1500 167.60 DOPRMB 1000 111.73 700 78.21 500 55.87 250 27.93 100 11.17 DOP to RMB converter to compare Dominican Republic Pesos and Chinese Yuan on todays exchange rate. 1 DOP is being exchanged for 0.1117 RMB on today on March 07, 2025. ...
10000 3242.15 7500 2431.61 5000 1621.08 2500 810.54 1500 486.32 MXNRMB 1000 324.22 700 226.95 500 162.11 250 81.05 100 32.42 MXN to RMB converter to compare Mexican Pesos and Chinese Yuan on todays exchange rate. 1 MXN is being exchanged for 0.3242 RMB on today on February 21, 2025. This...