(LWP 20131)] read outcome totals across all BAMs USED: 3621 NOT_PAIRED: 83367 NOT_NH_1: 20438 NOT_EXPECTED_CIGAR: 0 NOT_EXPECTED_READ_LENGTH: 0 NOT_EXPECTED_STRAND: 0 EXON_NOT_MATCHED_TO_ANNOTATION: 88143 JUNCTION_NOT_MATCHED_TO_ANNOTATION: 15598 CLIPPED: 0 total: 211167 outcomes by ...
have a single alignment (NH tag = 1)https://github.com/Xinglab/rmats-turbo/blob/master/rMATS_pipeline/rmatspipeline/rmatspipeline.pyx#L193 rmats2sashimiplot is just counting individual junctions. If a read spans multiple junctions then rmats2sashimiplot will count that read toward each junction....