Table numbering Thanks to Alathea Letaw’s captioner package, we can number tables and figures. In a first step, we define a function named table_nums and apply it to the tables’ name and caption. Furthermore, we may also define a prefix (Tab. for tables and Fig. for figures). table...
Imports knitr,rmarkdown,officer(>=0.5.1),xml2,rlang,uuid,grDevices,yaml,utils,memoise,rvg(>=0.2.2)Suggests ggplot2,flextable(>=0.7.0),bookdown(>=0.13),testthat (>=3.0.0),doconv(>=0.3.0)URL,
You can also number the table of contents and the section headings by checking that option in the “Output Options” window. Numbering the sections can help your document become more clearly organized. If you add subsections, the document will take that into account when numbering. For example,...
如何将多个帧选项传递给rmarkdown::beamer_presentation中的特定帧页面编号在理想情况下对两帧是相同的( {.noframenumbering}) ) 简单地将第2帧上的行添加到第1帧的下面,这两个帧的内容应该是顶对齐的(=> {.t})。由于其他一些幻灯片需要帧内容的垂直中心对齐,所以在<e 浏览4提问于2021-02-22得票数 3 回...
numbering problem of tables when using footnotes" site: bookdown::bookdown_site documentclass: book --- # Problematic footnotes ## Table 1 ```{r table1, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE} library(kableExtra) kable((iris[1:2,]), caption = "This is a table without footnote (and correct numbering...
rmarkdown的使用:代码里加两句message=F,warning=F然后在R markdown下面摁ctrl+alt+i最后引用写在下面...
Figure 3: This is also great. Cross Reference of a Table Of course, tables can be cross referenced in the same manner as figures. Here is a cross reference to table1using the code\@ref(tab:mytable). Table 1:A short table
In addition to adding a table of contents, it sets its depth, adds a section numbering, the table of contents is floating when scrolling down the document, the code is hidden by default, the flatly theme is used and it adds the possibility to download the .Rmd document. You can visua...
---output:html_document:code_folding:hide#choose to hide/show code blocks initially.number_sections:true#add section numbering to headerstheme:united#Bootstrap theme (themes are drawn from the Bootswatch theme library)highlight:tango#specifies the syntax highlighting stylecss:styles.css#custom CSS ...