2、输入connect target / RMAN> connect target /connected to target database RMAN> 说明: connect target / 和在SQL*PLUS里面的sqlplus / as sysdba有类似的疑问。你也可以输入connect target user/passwd@instance_name 这样进入指定instance; 当然这个命令可以汇总为直接输入rman target / connect不能像SQL*PLUS...
connected to target database: CDBP (DBID=3886807746) RMAN> show all; using target database control file instead of recovery catalog RMAN configuration parameters for database with db_unique_name CDBP are: CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO REDUNDANCY 1; # default CONFIGURE BACKUP OPTIMIZATION OFF; # ...
$ rman target / RMAN> CONVERT DATABASE NEW DATABASE 'newdb' TO PLATFORM 'Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit)' FORMAT '/tmp/%U'; 步骤3:将转换后的文件传输到目标系统。 # 使用scp命令将文件从源系统传输到目标系统 $ scp /tmp/* user@target-system:/target-directory 步骤4:在目标系统上打开数据...
The FROM SERVICE clause provides the service name of the physical standby database from which the files must be restored. During the restore operation, RMAN creates backup sets, on the physical standby database, of the files that need to be restored and then transfers these backup sets to the...
To perform cross-platform tablespace conversion on the source host: 在源主机上执行跨平台表空间转换: Start SQL*Plus and connect to the source database prod_source with administrator privileges. 启动SQL * Plus,并以管理员权限连接到源数据库prod_source。
rman\>connect target user/pwd@db_name 注意:1、connect不能简写为conn 2、连接USER必须具备SYSDBA权限 3、连接的db_name必须在tnsnames.ora中有配置,且有效(即通过SQLPLUS可以连接) 4、target database必须为archivelog 模式 5、如果是本地可以采用OS认证,如果是远程需要使用密码文件认证。
RMAN> connect target sys/password@localhost:1521/orcl “` 这里的 `sys` 是数据库用户,`password` 是该用户的密码, `localhost` 是数据库所在的主机名或IP地址,`1521` 是数据库监听的端口号,`orcl` 是数据库实例名。 如果成功连接到目标数据库,RMAN提示符将会显示 `connected to target database: ORCL (...
Identify the basic type of error according to the error range chart in Table 15-1 and then refer to Oracle Database Error Messages for information on the most important messages. Interpreting RMAN Errors: Example You attempt a backup of tablespace users and receive the following message: ...
RMAN> CONNECT TARGET sys/p@orcl; 查询目标平台的确切名称: SELECT * FROM V$TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM; 备份源数据库: RMAN> BACKUP TO PLATFORM 'HP Tru64 UNIX' FORMAT '/bkp_dir/trans_U%' DATABASE; 断开与源数据库的连接。 将备份集和Data Pump导出的转储文件传输到目标平台(HP Tru64 UNIX)。 连接到...
RMAN> RECOVER DATABASE NOREDO; 7) In RMAN, connect to the PRIMARY database and create a standby control file backup: RMAN> BACKUP CURRENT CONTROLFILE FOR STANDBY FORMAT '/tmp/ForStandbyCTRL.bck'; 8) Copy the standby control file backup to the STANDBY system. ...