A scriptforobsoletebackupanddeleteit 3.创建0,1,2级增量备份脚本(注:每个脚本备份前会执行删除过旧的备份,脚本尾部会调用另外两个脚本来备份归档日志及控制文件) --创建0级增量备份 RMAN>createglobalscript global_inc0comment"backup database as incrmental level 0"{ 2>executeglobalscript global_del_obso; ...
2 数据备份脚本 #script.:BackupFull.sh #creater:fiyo #date:2015-03-16 #desc:backup full database datafile in archive with rman #connect database export ORACLE_BASE=/mnt/oracle/app export ORACLE_SID=pmdb export ORACLE_HOME=/mnt/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 export PATH=$O...
configure controlfile autobackup format for device type disk to '/oradata/rman_data/%F.CTL'; allocate channel c1 type disk format '/oradata/rman_data/%d_%T_%s_U.ARC' ; backup archivelog all delete input; release channel c1; } [root@ipolx1 ~]# cat /script/create_restore.sql connect /...
--and the target datafile and logfile is different from source,the script is running in root user ### section 1 config env ###config restore date, backup_start_date,end_start_date, nbu_client_name,ORACLE_SID,target ORACLE_HOME,target ORACLE_BASE,and PATH and oracle_user,time is "mm-dd...
RMAN> create global script global_del_obso comment 'A script for obsolete backup and delete it' { 2> crosscheck archivelog all; 3> delete noprompt expired archivelog all; 4> allocate channel ch1 device type disk; 5> delete noprompt obsolete recovery window of 7 days; ...
Script rman_incremental_backup.sh === ended successfully on Wed Feb 1 17:02:50 EST 2012 === 6.将备份脚本添加到Crontab [oracle@singledb u02]$ crontab -l 20 17 * * * /u02/rman_incremental_backup.sh 1>/u02/rman.log 2>&1 & 关于...
RMAN> BACKUP FOR TRANSPORT FORMAT '/bkp_dir/trans_U%' DATABASE; 断开与源数据库的连接。 将备份集和Data Pump导出的转储文件传输到目标主机。 连接到目标主机: RMAN> CONNECT TARGET sys/p@orcl2; 使用RESTORE命令还原完整备份集: RMAN> RESTORE FOREIGN DATABASE TO NEW FROM BACKUPSET '/bkp_dir/tra...
##rman_incremental_backup.sh## ##createdbyTianlesoftware## ##2011-1-25## ### #!/bin/ksh exportLANG=en_US BACKUP_DATE=`date+%d` RMAN_LOG_FILE=${0}.out TODAY=`date` USER=`id|cut-d"("-f2|cut-d")"-f1` echo"---$TODAY---">$RMAN_LOG_FILE ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/produ...
其支持在线和基于时间点备份方式,还可以通过创建backup catalog来维护DB cluster备份信息。 1...pg_rman使用的是pg_start_backup(), copy, pg_stop_backup()的备份模式。 2...1、pg_rman特点: · 使用简单.一个命令即可完成备份和恢复. · 支持在线全备,增量备份,归档备份. · 支持备份压缩.通过gzip工具...
Linux NetBackup Troubleshooting Like 0 Reply Marianne10 years ago Logs folders need to have 777 permissions. Folders must be writable by oracle user running the backup. Please also check permissions on the script and the folder where the script was created: /usr/openv/local/oracle/test_...