如下面的full_bak_by_rman.sh实际上是包含了多个db_bak_rman_catalog.sh <$ORACLE_SID> ,后面的多个full开头的使用类是的原理。 #Rman backup and restore database 0 1 * * 1-6 /u02/database/common/rman_scripts/full_bak_by_rman.sh 0 3 * * 1-6 /u02/database/common/rman_scripts/full_r...
Step 1: Identify controlfile backup to restore 确定要还原的控制文件备份 Note: If you do not need to restore a controlfile proceed to step 3. 如果不需要还原控制文件,请继续执行 step 3 * Locate the RMAN backup you wish to restore. 找到要还原的RMAN备份。* These files should be located in ...
RMAN> restore spfile to '/tmp/spfile_cdbp.ora' from '/acfs1/backup/cdbp/c-3886807746-20240130-00'; Starting restore at 2024-03-18 17:30:42 using channel ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring spfile from AUTOBACKUP /acfs1/backup/cdbp/c-3886807746-20240130-00 channel ORA_DISK_1: ...
BACKUP DATABASE COMPRESS FILE '/backup/db_backup_%U'; ``` 3. 执行完整备份 ```sql BACKUP DATABASE; ``` 4. 执行增量备份 ```sql BACKUP ICREMETAL LEVEL 0 DATABASE; ``` 5. 执行差异备份 ```sql BACKUP ICREMETAL LEVEL 1 DATABASE; ``` 6. 恢复数据 ```sql RESTORE DATABASE; RECOVER...
sys.dbms_backup_restore.restoreBackupPiece(done=>done,handle=>'/tmp/backup/full_1fmivq60_1_1.bak', params=>null); sys.dbms_backup_restore.deviceDeallocate; END; / SQL>DECLARE devtype varchar2(256); done boolean; BEGIN devtype:=sys.dbms_backup_restore.deviceAllocate (type=>'',ident=>...
RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 1 found to restore 一般来说,遇到这种问题是因为控制过旧,即控制文件中没有备份的信息。 比如在nocatalog模式下,备份数据文件之前,先备份控制文件,然后在备份数据库。 在还原的时候,先还原还原控制文件,此时的控制文件中并没有包含RMAN 备份的信息,这时进行恢复就会遇到...
restore 恢复 show 查看备份历史 validate 验证备份 delete 从知识库中删除备份信息 purge 从备份目录中删除已实际的备份文件 全量备份 对数据库做全备: pg_rman backup --backup-mode=full -C -P 验证数据库备份(必须要验证,否则后续无法做增量备份): ...
Cause: The specified operand appears more than once in the same backup specifier or backup command. Action: Delete the duplicate operand. RMAN-06017 initialization of parser failed Cause: The parser package initialization routine returned an error. Action: This message should be accompanied by other...
export BACKUP_PATH=/home/postgres/pg_rman_bk1 --让环境变量生效 source .bash_profile --初始化备份目录,验证归档路径,日志目录,同时在备份路径下产生跟目标数据库相关的文件。 $ pg_rman init INFO: ARCLOG_PATH is set to '/home/postgres/arch' ...
MAXSEQ is set to 255 by default, and RESTORE counts backward from MAXSEQ to find the last backup of the day. To terminate the restore operation if you do not find the autobackup in the current day (or specified day), set MAXDAYS 1 on the RESTORE command. The following example ...