针对你遇到的 rman-04006: error from auxiliary database: ora-01017: invalid username/password 错误,这是Oracle数据库在恢复管理(RMAN)过程中常见的认证错误。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤和建议: 1. 确认错误信息的来源和含义 错误信息解析: rman-04006: 表示辅助数据库(auxiliary database)在RMAN操作中返回了一...
connected to auxiliary database: RACTEST (not mounted) #not mounted,表示已经连上启动实例的auxiliary数据库实例。 如果ORACLE_HOME环境变量设置不正确,与实际的环境变量不匹配连接后的结果是: [oracle@rhel1 ~]$ rman target / auxiliary sys/oracle@rtdg1 Recovery Manager: Release - Production...
when run rman duplicate from active database, got error as below. Please advice. I followed all required steps such as 1. static Listener, 2. (UR = A) in tnsname entry. RMAN> connect auxiliary sys/***@nwamprd connect target sys/***@wamprod conn...
RMAN-04006: error from auxiliary database: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of servic I was running an RMAN duplicate command for a backup-based duplication to the database PROVSTDB. It had just shutdown the server when the error occurred. Here is the specific command: DUPLI...
Data Guard RMAN-04006 和 ORA-01017 错误诊断 RMAN-04006: error from auxiliary database: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied 发生这个错误大概有 2 个原因: ① 主备库的密码文件是否一致 ② remote_login_passwordfile 应该设成 exclusive...
RMAN-04006:error from auxiliary database:ORA-01034:ORACLEnotavailable 1. ORA-27101:shared memory realm doesnotexist Linux-x86_64 Error:2:No such fileordirectory 1. 2. 可看到,由于连接数据库失败导致的,回头发现,之前通过Rman连接数据库时,备库已经是启动到nomount状态了,但是当进行 ...
使用RMAN Active duplicate创建异地auxiliary Database 2015-12-23 11:34 −11g的RMAN duplicate 可以通过Active database duplicate和Backup-based duplicate两种方法实现。这里的测试使用的是Active database duplicate,因为Active database duplicate 功能强大,不需要先... ...
connected to auxiliary database: RACTEST(not mounted) #not mounted,表示已经连上启动实例的auxiliary数据库实例。 如果ORACLE_HOME环境变量设置不正确,与实际的环境变量不匹配连接后的结果是: [oracle@rhel1 ~]$ rman target / auxiliarysys/oracle@rtdg1 ...
RMAN-04006 error from auxiliary database: string Cause Oracle error signaled by auxiliary database. This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error. Action Check the accompanying errors.© Oracle About Oracle Contact Us Products A-Z Terms of Use...
RMAN-04006: error from auxiliary database: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of servic I was running an RMAN duplicate command for a backup-based duplication to the database PROVSTDB. It had just shutdown the server when the error occurred. Here is the specific command:...