CORSAIR RMx SHIFT Series fully modular power supplies boast a revolutionary patent-pending side cable interface to keep all your connections within easy reach, for exceptionally convenient 80 PLUS Gold efficient power.
CORSAIR RMx SHIFT Series 完全モジュール式電源は、非常に便利な 80 PLUS Gold PSU 用の革命的なサイドケーブルインターフェースが自慢です。
除此之外,RM850x还具有一些其他的优点。比如,它的外观设计简洁大方,可以完美融入你的电脑机箱中。同时,它还具有80 Plus Gold的认证,证明其效率高、节能效果好。而且,它还拥有十年质保,让你在使用过程中无后顾之忧。当然,我们在购买产品的时候,也不能只看优点。RM850x也有一些需要改进的地方。比如,它的...
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RMx SHIFT: ATX 3.0 Power Supply with Side Connections The Corsair RMx SHIFT modular power supply features a side-mounted cabling interface to help you keep all your connections close at hand while benefiting from an efficient 80 PLUS Gold power supply. This power supply offers consistent power ou...
CORSAIR RMx SHIFT Series fully modular power supplies boast a revolutionary patent-pending side cable interface to keep all your connections within easy reach, for exceptionally convenient 80 PLUS Gold efficient power.
CORSAIR RMx SHIFT Series fully modular power supplies boast a revolutionary patent-pending side cable interface to keep all your connections within easy reach, for exceptionally convenient 80 PLUS Gold efficient power.