Any copying, republication or redistribution of Lipper content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Lipper. Lipper shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. ...
Any copying, republication or redistribution of Lipper content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Lipper. Lipper shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. ...
Currency USD Domiciled Country US Manager Lance James Fund Description The Fund invests, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its assets in microcap value stocks. For purposes of this policy, the term “assets” means net assets plus the amount of borrowings for investment purposes. The ...
That means, employers will have to require all employees to first have a physical to make sure they don't have any health issues that don't allow them to wear the respirator and then have a written training program for how, when and where the mask must be worn and then fit each mask...
Ringgit Malaysia“RM” The lawful currency of Malaysia. Indian Rupeesor “Rs.” shall mean the mean the currency of the Government of India. Singapore Dollarsmeans the lawful currency of Singapore. RupeesRs.", “” shall mean Indian rupees, the lawful currency of India; ...
/* No cache manager means nothing to log, but we still have to commit the transaction. */ if (cache_mngr == NULL) { if (!skip_commit && ha_commit_low(thd, all)) DBUG_RETURN(RESULT_ABORTED); DBUG_RETURN(RESULT_SUCCESS); } 上述意思是,如果binlog没有内容那么binlog cache manager就...
*Also, as you might have inferred, the Perplexing Moustache enemy is supposed to be akin to enemies found in a lot of RPGs, such as the metal slimes from Dragon Quest. The intention (albeit not shown in the video) is that when killed, they drop a lot of EXP and currency, much like...
It means that you have paid out more 3、money than what you have in your float, and you must be re-imbursed to make your float the full amount.Just before you close you cashier, you will complete the General Cashier function.该项功能仅用于当你有due back 单时.这意味着你在当班办理...
When describing the element -> code mapping, I'll use the format "element (explanation of where in the database it is): propertyreference (any additional things to know)". This means that referring to it in a script will be $dataActors[actorid].propertyreference. Actors The actors in yo...