Abstract In the RLC resonant circuit experiment, because the current in the circuit changes with the signal frequency and the signal source has output impedance, the output voltage of the signal source changes with the signal frequency, which affects the passband width of the resonance curve and t...
AbstractIn the RLC resonant circuit experiment, because the current in the circuit changes with the signal frequency and the signal source has output impedance, the output voltage of the signal source changes with the signal frequency, which affects th...
在RLC串联电路中,当电路电流与施加的电压同相时,电路被称为处于串联谐振状态。当感抗等于容抗时,串联RLC电路出现谐振条件。 XL=XC或者(XL–XC=0) 串联谐振电路具有从电源汲取大电流和功率的能力;它也被称为容抗电路。串联谐振RLC电路如下图所示: RLC串联谐振电路 Series-resonance-Circuit.共振时:XL–XC=0或XL=...
Figure 1. Ideal parallel resonance circuit. At resonance, XL=XC, I=E/R, and IC and IL are much larger than I. Image used courtesy of Amna Ahmad The circuit impedance is: Z=RZ=R Consequently, the current taken from the supply source is: I=ERI=ER And the currents through the inductor...
Arbitrary RLC Circuit We can observe the resonance effects by considering the voltage across the resistive components to the input voltage for an example we can consider for the capacitor. VC/V = 1/1-ω2LC + j ωRC For the values of R, L, and C the ratio is plotted against angular ...
where the resonance frequency ωois given in the expression above. [edit]Damping factor Thedamping factorof the circuit (inradiansper second) is: for a series RLC circuit, and: for a parallel RLC circuit. For applications in oscillator circuits, it is generally desirable to make the damping ...
6、or,and the practical applications are also briefly introduced finally.关键词:RLC ;谐振电路;谐振特性;品质因数Key words:RLC ;resonance circuit ;resonance charateristics ;quality factor中图分类号:O442.0文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4311(201214-0036-02整体估计,还可以进行局部估计,很好的再现地质变量的变...
resonance circuit, the resonance characteristics of the RLC series circuit including resonance frequency, resonance voltage and quality factor were investigated.As the existence of inductance impedance influences the resonance characteristics of the circuit, it was found in the experiment that the measured ...