RLC second-order dynamic circuit is an important part of circuit teaching. On the basis of studying its principle and characteristics, an experiment of bipolar metallic fault location in DC distribution network is designed in this paper. In this experiment, the bipolar metallic fau...
The main contribution of the methodology is the efficient structure-level compression of DC circuits containing many current sources, which is an important complement to present circuit analysis theory. The methodology consists of the following parts: 1) An approach is proposed to delete all ...
This paper presents a simplified model of the power grid circuit based on the assumption of uniform load current distribution and equipotential nodes approximation. In addition, based on the moment matching technique an approximate analytical model is derived. The presented models provide huge reduction...
A series RLC circuit is driven by an AC power source of rms 60 V at a frequency of 120 Hz. The resistor has a resistance of 150 Ω, the inductor has an inductance of 125 mH, and the capacitor has a capacitance of 112 mF. Calculate i)...
1.Three phase p.f.c feedback design, DC / DC two-way conversion two-stage circuit, electrical isolation; 2. The load has dual mode operation of power supply and load; 3.Power mode: with constant voltage, constant current, constant power mode output, automatic cross conversion, maintainin...
In general form,即是Ry=R′R′′∑RΔRy=R′R″∑RΔ(R,R′′R,R″是yy邻接的电阻) Potential Divider Circuit 串联分压 对于串联的两电阻R1,R2R1,R2,流过他们的电流I1=I2I1=I2 因此有V1/V2=I1R1/I2R2=R1/R2V1/V2=I1R1/I2R2=R1/R2 ...
KEY WORDS:Resonant Circuit,Application,quality factor 引言:RLC 串/并联电路是各种复杂网络的基础,也是具有频率特性的电路网络的基本组成部分,深入分析其相关特性对理解、学习及实践电路尤为重要。RLC 串/并联电路作为电工类教材中最常见的谐振电路,谐振电路的特性和品质因数Q 相关。文章分析了品质因数 Q 对谐振电路的...
1引言 RC 、RL 和RLC 串联电路是大学物理实验的设计性实验之一,在交流电路中,幅频特性和相频特性是RC 、RL 和RLC 串联电路的重要性质,并在电子电路中被广泛应用。本文对实验方法进行改进,采用幅频和相频特性的测量方法,观察各种参数变化,进一步了解各种参数对幅频特性和相频特性的影响。2实验设计原理 在RC ...
Resistance is introduced in Section 30.2 as a measure of how a conductor “resists” the flow of charge in a dc circuit. Similarly, impedance measures how a combination of inductors, capacitors, and resistors “impedes” the flow of charge in an ac circuit. Unlike resistance, reactances depend...
◆ Simulate impedance coefficient of DC cable: resistance 0.0754Ω/km, inductance 0.282mH/KW, capacitance 0.292μF/KW, impedance error is not more than 5%; line impedance simulation adopts centralized parameter simulation ◆Line simulation provides a single-pole-to-ground short-circuit fault simulati...