The power resonance peak in an RLC circuit is required to have a width of 4.1 kHz at the half-power values. Determine the ratio of resistance to inductance in the circuit. 62. A plot of average power versus radian frequency for an RLC series circuit is shown in Figure 4. The parameters...
Abstract:WhenmeasuringthetimeconstantofRLCcircuitintransientprocess,thetimecon‐ stantwasusuallyobtainedindirectlybymeasuringthevoltageoftheunderdampingvibrationpeaksof thecapacitance.Theunderdampingvibrationpeakswasalwaysapproximatedbythevoltagewhen sin(ωdt+ φ )=±1.Thedifferenceandrelationshipbetweentheapproximatepeak...
The abbreviation of the Q is defined as a quality and it is also known as a Quality factor. The quality factor describes the under-damped resonator. If under-damped resonator increases the quality factor decreases. The electrical resonator circuit damping generates the loss of energy in resistive...