(15) additional resistor are introduced into the circuit.;EFFECT: creation of conditions under which a band-pass RLC filter is implemented on voltage followers with the possibility of independent adjustment of the pole frequency and the quality factor of the pole with different resistors at constant...
Current-mode band-pass ladder filters using OTAs A design method of current-mode (CM) band-pass ladder filters is presented. The proposed method is based on the simulation of the passive RLC ladder networ... J Wu,EI El-Masry - 《International Journal of Electronics》 被引量: 52发表: 19...
1.RLC电路RLC串联电路的状态方程式为:d2QdQQitLRVVe0dtCdt2 (1)对于最简单的RLC串联电路来说,电流与电压的比值可表示为:I111VZRjL1/jCRjL1/C (2)(3)(4)其谐振频率为:振荡品质因子:0(1/LC)1/2 ...
2.设计、组装并测试一个截止频率(cut-offfrequency)在100kHz附近的高通滤波器(high-passfilter)或低通滤波器(low-passfilter)。 3.设计、组装并测试中心频率在200kHz附近的带通滤波器(band-passfilter)。 PS:实验仪器 各式电阻、电容和电感;示波器;信号发生器;多功能电表;功率放大器;电路测试面包板;铜质导线。-7...
C R C2 C3 L1 + _ u1(t) + _ u2(t) L2 L1 C2 L3 C1 C3 L2 L1 C2 C1 L3 C3 带通滤波器 (band-pass filter) 带阻滤波器 (band elimination filter) 由于信号频率范围很宽(从几赫到几百...在这种半对数坐标中画出幅频特性和相频曲线称为对数频率特性或波特图 * 1、串、并联电路的谐振 2、...
A rectifier, as in Figure 14.11(b), coupled with a low-pass filter, as in Example 14.10, will perform this function. Sign in to download full-size image Figure 14.12. (a) Amplitude modulated signal (AM). The frequency is constant at the transmitter frequency (e.g., 1210 KHz), but ...
A rectifier, as in Figure 14.11(b), coupled with a low-pass filter, as in Example 14.10, will perform this function. Sign in to download full-size image Figure 14.12. (a) Amplitude modulated signal (AM). The frequency is constant at the transmitter frequency (e.g., 1210 KHz), but ...
networkssince they are most commonly used in filtering applications. An RC circuit can be used to make some crude filters like low-pass, high-pass and Band-Pass filters. Afirst order RC circuitwill consist of only one Resistor and one Capacitor and we will analyse the same in this tutorial...
第10章、电路的频率响应 1 2 •(MainContents) 1、串、并联电路的谐振 重点 2、RLC串联电路频率响应 重点 一、串联电路的谐振 含有L、C的电路,当电路中端口电压、电流同 相时,称电路发生了谐振。 谐振的定义 10-1RLC串联电路的谐振 ResonanceofSeriesConnectionCircuit 有时利用 有时避免 XR XXR ωC ωLRZ...
This article gives the information about RLC circuit, series and parallels RLC circuits, the Q factor, and applications of the resonant RLC circuits. I hope the given information in the article is helpful to give some good information and understanding the project. For furthermore, if you have...