R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour is a Canadian/American original anthology horror-fantasy series, with episodes each half an hour long. The new show premiered on The Hub, which overtook Discovery Kids on October 10, 2010. The show had a sneak peek premiere on October 29, 2010 and returned...
Dylan Stine, Bob's grandson, was born in 2014. So Bob decided to do his first picture book. It's titled Little Shop of Monsters. Marc Brown of Arthur fame did the illustrations. Bob and Marc have more picture books in the works. 2015 The Goosebumps Movie, starring Jack Black as R.L...
All those teenagers were getting slashed. I was like, 'Suddenly, I have a slasher movie!'" Stine's discussion of hearing talks of moreGoosebumpsmovies comes a few months after it was announcedDisney+ had entered development on a new live-action TV adaptationof the iconic novels. The series...