TensorFlow是一个基于数据流编程(dataflow programming)的符号数学系统,被广泛应用于各类机器学习(machine learning)算法的编程实现,其前身是谷歌的神经网络算法库DistBelief。 Tensorflow拥有多层级结构,可部署于各类服务器、PC终端和网页并支持GPU和TPU高性能数值计算,被广泛应用于谷歌内部的产品开发和各领域的科学研究。 Te...
论文地址:https://team.doubao.com/zh/publication/hybridflow-a-flexible-and-efficient-rlhf-framework?view_from=research 代码链接:https://github.com/volcengine/veRL RL(Post-Training)复杂计算流程给 LLM 训练带来全新的挑战 在深...
在2019年国际机器学习大会(International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML)上,笔者与Alborz Geramifard (脸书), Lihong Li (谷歌), Csaba Szepesvari (Deepmind & 阿尔伯塔大学), Tao Wang (苹果) 共同组织举办了强化学习应用研讨会(Reinforcement Learning for Real Life, RL4RealLife). 工业界和学术界对强化...
Reward-free RL via Sample-Efficient Representation Learning 讲座摘要:As reward-free reinforcement learning (RL) becomes a powerful framework for a variety of multi-objective applications, representation learning arises as an effective technique to deal with the curse of dimensionality in reward-free RL...
(1): This paper addresses the problem of biases in machine learning-based decision-making systems and proposes a theoretical framework to classify feedback loops and their relation to biases. (2): Previous attempts to mitigate biases in these systems have been short-sighted and do not account...
本文提出了一个用于 MLMB 打印的综合学习校正框架(an integrated learning-correction framework),该框架引入了基于模型的强化学习方法。在该框架中,过程模型被反复学习,随后被用来补偿每一层的平整度误差,"原位(in situ)" 补偿。这样做的好处是,这个学习框架可以与零件的实际打印结合起来使用(因此是 in situ 的),...
Author = {Yue Leire Erro Nuin and Nestor Gonzalez Lopez and Elias Barba Moral and Lander Usategui San Juan and Alejandro Solano Rueda and Víctor Mayoral Vilches and Risto Kojcev}, Title = {ROS2Learn: a reinforcement learning framework for ROS 2}, ...
default_framework_version 如果明确指定了 Ray 框架的版本,则使用该版本。 supported_versions 支持的 Ray 版本的列表。 default_framework_version 如果明确指定了 Ray 框架的版本,则使用该版本。 Python 复制 default_framework_version() 返回 展开表 类型说明 str 版本。 supported_versions 支持...
PARL:PARL is a flexible and high-efficient reinforcement learning framework. https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PARL 算法数量:RLs>PARL>Baselines 三、多智能RL的仿真环境 1 星际争霸 PySC2 - StarCraft II Learning Environment https://github.com/deepmind/pysc2 ...
Framework for Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning in Poker games. Background Research on solving imperfect information games has largely revolved around methods that traverse the full game-tree until very recently (see[0],[1],[2], for examples). New algorithms such as Neural Fictitious Self...