Ret code: RKNN_ERR_MODEL_INVALID. (If it is a static shape RKNN model, please ignore the above warning message.) W rknn-toolkit-lite2 version: 2.2.0 --> Loading RKNN model, done --> Init runtime environment I RKNN: [10:25:07.193] RKNN Runtime Information, librknnrt version: 2.2....
Ret code: RKNN_ERR_MODEL_INVALID. (If it is a static shape RKNN model, please ignore the above warning message.) >>> cv_img: (1080, 1920, 3) >>> forward cost time: 37.469ms >>> forward cost time: 35.757ms >>> forward cost time: 34.492ms >>> forward cost time: 40.367ms >>...
RKNN模型的转换工具:为了将其他常见的深度学习模型转换为RKNN模型,瑞芯微提供了一个转换工具RKNN-Toolkit2。该工具支持将TensorFlow、Caffe、MXNet等框架训练出来的模型转换为RKNN模型,并且支持对模型进行量化、融合等优化操作,以提高运行效率; RKNN模型的部署和推理:RKNN模型可以通过RKNPU硬件进行高效的推理。在部署RKNN模型...
infer.onnx','outputs_nodes': None,'do_quantization': True,'dataset':'/opt/drone/FastDeploy/tools/rknpu2/dataset.txt','output_folder':'./output'} W __init__: rknn-toolkit2 version: 1.5.2+b642f30c W load_onnx: It is recommended onnx opset 12, but your onnx model opset is 11...