BOBAH Members Posted February 3, 2022 On 2/2/2022 at 11:11 PM, Capeschae said: Unfortunately the Minix X7 seems to use internally some kind of LAN via USB, based on the Realtek8152...
armbian运行在各种各样的ARM开发板上。目前支持大约50个板,包括OrangePi系列,Cubieboard,Pine64和Odroid。需要Python 3.5.3或更高版本。设置Python和 pip上一篇就说了 我在折腾rk3188 所以就以armbian为例子 其实linux都一样$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip现在您已经安装了...
You can certainly leverage the Armbian build system to generate a build for your board, but you might be stuck with testing/debug unless you can find someone with free time. You can take a look HERE to see what's required to add support for a new CPU family & board. bayindirh Member...
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