支持rockchip mpp硬件加速编解码的ffmpeg版本。Forked ffmpeg that supports rkmpp decodeing, encoding and rga scaling - ffmpeg-rk/libavrkmpp/rkmppdec.c at 4718c2b965ef8a9e915d5a2a58af39094b3353dc · jjm2473/ffmpeg-rk
bSysInit = RKADK_MPI_SYS_CHECK(); if (!bSysInit) { RKADK_LOGE("System is not initialized"); return -1; } RKADK_PARAM_STREAM_CFG_S *pstLiveCfg = RKADK_PARAM_GetStreamCfg(u32CamId, RKADK_STREAM_TYPE_LIVE); if (!pstLiveCfg) { RKADK_LOGE("Live RKADK_PARAM_GetStr...
{ MppCtx ctx; MppApi *mpi; MppBufferGroup frame_group; int8_t eos; int8_t draining; AVPacket packet; AVBufferRef *frames_ref; AVBufferRef *device_ref; char print_fps; uint64_t last_fps_time; uint64_t frames; char sync; } RKMPPDecoder; typedef struct { AVClass *av_class;...