The currency calculator will convert exchange rate of Saudi riyal (SAR) to Philippine peso (PHP). SAR - Saudi riyal PHP - Philippine peso 1 SAR = 15.62 PHP 5 SAR = 78.08 PHP 10 SAR = 156.16 PHP 20 SAR = 312.31 PHP 25 SAR = 390.39 PHP 50 SAR = 780.78 PHP 100 SAR = 1,561.55...
Convert Saudi Riyal to Philippine Peso with the Western Union currency converter. Send SAR and your receiver will get PHP in minutes.
Philippine Peso 15.616044 0.064037 Polish Zloty 1.092087 0.915678 Qatari Riyal 0.970667 1.030220 Romanian New Leu 1.274945 0.784348 Russian Ruble 26.643600 0.037532 Singapore Dollar 0.362548 2.758255 South African Rand 4.992159 0.200314 South Korean Won 389.003748 0.002571 Sri Lankan Rupee 78.217556 0.012785 Swedi...
The currency calculator will convert exchange rate of Qatari riyal (QAR) to Philippine peso (PHP). QAR - Qatari riyal PHP - Philippine peso 1 QAR = 16.09 PHP 5 QAR = 80.46 PHP 10 QAR = 160.92 PHP 20 QAR = 321.84 PHP 25 QAR = 402.31 PHP 50 QAR = 804.61 PHP 100 QAR = 1,...