Basically, Bend Oregon is the dreamiest place. Every time I am here it feels like home. The people, the landscape, the pace, the attention to the things that MATTER. My shoulders sink down to where they should be, I walk a little slower, I breathe a little deeper. Lucky lucky us. W...
However, far and away the best place to begin is the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database established at Oregon State University by Aaron Wolf ( [see also Wolf et al., 1999, 2003]. In particular, we found almost nothing in the literature ...
Mary,whydidWilliambringyoutoOregon? 他为什么不做鞋匠而做伐木工 Whatmadehimchangeshoemakertolumberman? 威廉一直想让我看看太平洋 WilliamalwayswantedtoshowmethePacific 答应我去冒险 andthepromiseforadventure. 土地你留着,玛丽 Youkeepyourland,Mary.
While the experiment took place in a large, regulated mountain river it was relatively controlled in that none of the injected gravel or cobble size fractions were present in the reach prior to the injection. Flood flows after the injection and the lack of existing mobile bed material led ...
However, far and away the best place to begin is the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database established at Oregon State University by Aaron Wolf ( [see also Wolf et al., 1999, 2003]. In particular, we found almost nothing in the literature ...
However, many obsolete small river barriers remain in place, in part due to their historical and cultural significance and perceived insignificance in respect to river processes. Strikingly, the extent of river connectivity remains little known for most European rivers, despite the fact that the ...
It then runs in a westward direction, flows slightly north again, forming the present-day border between Oregon and Washington, before it drains itself into the Pacific Ocean. The colonial history of the Nez Perce was not only more recent but also more violent and abrupt than that of the ...