Using satellite data to monitor the surface temperature of the Sesan River over time, the team saw temperature drops that corresponded with the completion of major dams (labeled in red), but not minor dams (labeled in blue). During dry season of 2001, the Sesan River had a 1.8 F (1 C)...
The global data set included river and groundwater samples spanning from 67oN to 38oS LAT and from 145oE to 123oW LON (Fig.1). There were more samples between 30° N to 60° N than other latitudinal ranges, reflecting the preponderance of data from North America, Europe, and East Asia...
Nestled in the southeastern part of the High Mountain Asia region—the highest plateau on the planet—the area encompasses numerous small pools, lakes, intermittent rivers, and ephemeral streams. With elevations ranging from approximately 3485 to 5780 m above sea level, the region has a very low...