The temple is located on top of the hill and can be reached through a flight of steps. Next you will set off to the sacred river of 1000 Lingas. The riverbed is interestingly carved with numerous Lingas, a phallic symbol of the Hindu god, Sh...
Chia-ling Chongqing Kialing References in periodicals archive ? The foundation of the Hungarian State was celebrated with a one-hour celebratory animated light show displayed on the walls of nine skyscrapers towering above the banks of the Jialing River. As part of the show, the Hungarian flag ...
Finally, the exposed population to inundation is estimated as in Eq. (4).(4)Pe=Ppop⋂Hslrwhere Pe means the exposed population in the context of SLR; Ppop indicates the projected population in the LECZ of YRD, and Hslr refers to the potential inundated areas in the LECZ of YRD. 2.2....
From our preliminary inventory, E-PRTR industrial point emissions seem to account for a relatively small share of total emissions. Consequently, apart from specific measures such as upgrades to urban wastewater treatment plants in certain high impact areas, the management of priority substances may req...
Emerging contaminants (ECs), such as plasticizers, antibiotics, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), pesticides, and flame retardants, have caused growing concerns for both environments and human beings. The ECs usually consist all or part of the characteristics, which are great harm, hidd...
研究区域概况与分区 黑河流域中游张掖盆地位于河西走廊中段9介 于 97 20'~102 13'E 9 37 28'~39 59'N 之间9总 面积 421.4>10 4 hm 2 . 本区属典型的温带大陆性气 候9降水少而蒸发强烈9区内多年平均降水量 62~ 280mm 9多年平均蒸发量 1000~2000mm. 黑河 出山河流是张掖盆地唯一地表水径流9自 ...
can be addressed through: (1) a correction-factor compensation method, which adds the correction factors to the surface variables that are required by the ET model, causing the surface variables to be as close to the true value as possible, thus achieving the purpose of correcting LE [39]....
Moreover, the ecosystem risk and the PAHs spatial and seasonal distribution in samples of water and sediment was evaluated in this river. One of the key aims of this study is to estimate the PAHs as indicators of contamination, by determining the main sources from which these pollutants ...
网络滨千林迦河;也叫千林迦河 网络释义
Anti-sickling and bacterial inhibitory effects of two medicinal foods from the Congo River basin: Gnetum africanum Welw. (Gnetaceae) and Grewia coriacea Mast. (Malvaceae). Current Traditional Medicine (Accepted for publication).Ngbolua KN, Mpiana PT, Akoundze BJ, Mwanza BF, Tshibangu DST, ...