The monitoring system was installed in September 2021, and Jim Brown says: “The trial is a great success; we utilise the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) flood alert warnings to monitor flooding and it has been our experience that the highest water levels generally occur about ...
SEPA Flood Risk Data From SEPA, we obtained digital data on assets at risk, with SEPA having produced flood risk maps for Scotland. Those maps, which provide information on the indicative impacts of flooding at the community level, were used to identify receptors, i.e. assets, at “high ri...
The SEPA station at Inverugie provides water level data for the catchment area of 325 km2 (125 square miles). The highest water level recorded at Inverugie was 2.678m in 2016 and the lowest level was 0.18m. Although the River itself is short there are a lot of feeder burns throughout ...
The sampling, storage, transportation, and analysis methods for water samples follow the recommended standard procedures by the State Environmental Protection Administration of China (SEPA 2002). 2.3. Land use and pond distribution data preparation The land use data is the Chinese Land Use and Land ...
Despite the high proportions of wastewater that are released into the Red River on a daily basis, little information exists in the published literature on micro- bial or faecal contamination levels in this semi-tropical region. Faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) are used to monitor faecal ...
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are currently still threatening the ecological environment and people’s health. However, studies that investigate OCP pollution levels in an urbanized river network of an entire city with a high density of rivers, such a
There was a moderate risk to fish (>1 % msPAF) in the msPAF using NOEC and LOEC data, but these effect levels are widely acknowledged to be of poor quality (Jager 2012; Landis and Chapman 2011; Laskowski 1995). Although these effect levels aim to describe the highest concentration not...
Scotland, with similar quaternary geology to Norway and Sweden, has chosen a different approach where both bedrock and sedimentary groundwater are delineated as waterbodies (, accessed 30 May 2022). These are divided into horizons, ...
In order to assess the metal pollution in the Wujiang River, concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cd, As, and Hg in the water, sediments, and two fish spe
The WQI value is in the range of 0 ~ 100, and the water quality levels of the evaluated water bodies are divided into different categories according to the value range (Jon- nalagadda and Mhere, 2001; Sehnaz Sener et al., 2017). Whereby, if the WQI value is located within 0...