Players take on the role of Anna, who has traveled to bountiful Alaya Valley to find a fresh start after losing her beloved. As it turns out, taking over the old family farm is the life restart she was looking for. Anna will be tasked with growing crops and raising livestock, but ...
Reeling in fish while fishing looks to be a mini-game similar to Stardew Valley fishing Players can customize their farm with decorations and paths.There are 10 marriage candidates, though it's unknown yet if there are also secret candidates. Same-sex marriage is in the game The revealed cand...
Happy Farm'n Friday! This week is a little later than typical, as I had a mid-day doctor's appointment to attend. Gotta do that check-up stuff as one gets older. RF:GoA Info Marvelous gave a massive information reveal this week for their upcomingRune Factoryspin-off game,Rune Factory:...