奥尔巴尼albany-new-hampshire 阿尔伯马尔Albemarle 阿尔比恩Albion 阿尔比恩Albion 阿尔伯克基Albuquerque 阿尔科阿Alcoa 艾尔弗雷德Alfred 阿尔杰县Alger County 阿罕布拉Alhambra 艾丽斯Alice 阿勒格尼县Allegany County 阿利根尼县Alleghany County 艾伦Allen 阿伦敦Allentown 阿莱恩斯Alliance 阿尔玛(AR)alma 阿洛哈Aloha 阿尔皮纳...
伯利恒bethlehem new hampshire 贝滕多夫Bettendorf 比尤拉Beulah 贝弗利Beverly 比佛利山庄Beverly Hills 大贝尔城Big Bear City 大熊湖Big Bear Lake 大瀑布城Big Rapids 大天空市big sky 比格沃特big water 比尔里卡Billerica 比林斯Billings 比洛克西Biloxi 宾厄姆(ME)bingham 宾厄姆顿Binghamton 伯明翰Birmingham 伯明翰Birmingh...
Seasonal abundance and microhabitat use of bullhead Cottus gobio and accompanying fish species in the River Avon (Hampshire), and implications for conservation. Aquatic Conservation 14:395-412.Carter MG, Copp GH, Szomlai V, 2004. Seasonal abundance and microhabitat use of bullhead Cottus gobio and...
The distribution and abundance of Proteocephalus torulosus infecting a population of Leuciscus leuciscus in the Hampshire Avon, England, were studied over a period of 2 years. Records of incidence, burden and maturation show that the parasite exhibits seasonal cycles, being present only from November...
The museum is located at Blake's Lock and occupies a pair of 19th-century buildings used by a Victorian pumping station, Turbine House and Screen House. The latter building showcases a gypsy caravan and an exhibition of gypsy life.
巴特利特bartlett new hampshire 巴托Bartow 巴索尔特basalt 巴斯特罗普Bastrop 巴斯特罗普县Bastrop County 巴达维亚Batavia 贝茨维尔Batesville 巴斯bath 巴斯县Bath County 巴斯bath-us 巴吞鲁日Baton Rouge 巴特尔克里克Battle Creek 巴克斯特Baxter 巴克斯特县Baxter County 贝城Bay City 贝城Bay City 贝县Bay County 贝米内...
巴特利特bartlett new hampshire 巴托Bartow 巴索尔特basalt 巴斯特罗普Bastrop 巴斯特罗普县Bastrop County 巴达维亚Batavia 贝茨维尔Batesville 巴斯bath 巴斯县Bath County 巴斯bath-us 巴吞鲁日Baton Rouge 巴特尔克里克Battle Creek 巴克斯特Baxter 巴克斯特县Baxter County 贝城Bay City 贝城Bay City 贝县Bay County 贝米内...
奥尔巴尼albany-new-hampshire 阿尔伯马尔Albemarle 阿尔比恩Albion 阿尔比恩Albion 阿尔伯克基Albuquerque 阿尔科阿Alcoa 艾尔弗雷德Alfred 阿尔杰县Alger County 阿罕布拉Alhambra 艾丽斯Alice 阿勒格尼县Allegany County 阿利根尼县Alleghany County 艾伦Allen 阿伦敦Allentown 阿莱恩斯Alliance 阿尔玛(AR)alma 阿洛哈Aloha 阿尔皮纳...
伯利恒bethlehem new hampshire 贝滕多夫Bettendorf 比尤拉Beulah 贝弗利Beverly 比佛利山庄Beverly Hills 大贝尔城Big Bear City 大熊湖Big Bear Lake 大瀑布城Big Rapids 大天空市big sky 比格沃特big water 比尔里卡Billerica 比林斯Billings 比洛克西Biloxi 宾厄姆(ME)bingham 宾厄姆顿Binghamton 伯明翰Birmingham 伯明翰Birmingh...
Role of river bed sediments as sources and sinks of phosphorus across two major eutrophic UK river basins: the Hampshire Avon and Herefordshire Wye. J Hydrol. 304(1), 51-74.JARVIE H.P., JURGENS M.D., WILLIAM R.J., NEAL C., DAVIES J.L., BARRETT C., WHITE J. 2005. Role of ...