aquifer which is equal to Kb in confined flow systems, and equals KD in unconfined flow systems, ft/secS = storage coefficient which, in artesian aquifers, is the volume of water that a unit decline of head releases from storage in a vertical prism of the aquifer of unit cross-section; ...
We present evidence that the considerable disagreement in simulated baseflow stems from unrealistic and varied model representations of infiltration, aquifer structure and groundwater dynamics. These processes should be prioritized so that models can capture active groundwater–river connections. This is a...
One of the last undammed perennial rivers in the desert Southwest, the San Pedro River in southeastern Arizona illustrates important processes common to many desert riparian ecosystems. Although historic land uses and climatic extremes have led to aquifer depletion, river entrenchment, and other changes...
Ahmed S, Sultan MW, Alam M, Hussain A, Qureshi F, Khurshid S (2021) Evaluation of corrosive behaviour and scaling potential of shallow water aquifer using corrosion indices and geospatial approaches in regions of the Yamuna river basin. J King Saud Univ Sci 33:101237.
Processes Governing Alkaline Groundwater Chemistry within a Fractured Rock (Ophiolitic Melange) Aquifer Underlying a Seasonally Inhabited Headwater Area in the Aladaglar Range (Adana, Turkey) sellal adanensis was firstly published as a subspecies by Battalgazi (1944) from Seyhan River, near Adana prov...
The top aquifer extends to a depth of up to 185 m in the interfluve between the Hindon and Kali rivers (Umar et al., 2008), and up to 125 m in the interfluve between the Yamuna and Hindon rivers (Alam and Umar, 2013). As clay layers are discontinuous on a regional scale, the...
rock aquifer recharge with18O-enriched water precipitation, assuring water availability during the formation of the studied tufas. No evidence of frequent intense erosion phases might indicate stable precipitation regimes, which would have allowed the preservation of loose fine-grained and palustrine ...
The Mobile River Basin is one of over 50 river basins and aquifer systems being investigated as part of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. This basin is the sixth largest river basin in the United States, and fourth largest in terms of streamflow, ...
Some streams and lakes intercept the water table, allowing direct groundwater–surface water exchange. The potentiometric surface reflects the water pressure of a confined aquifer, and is the level to which water in a well will naturally rise (i.e., to an elevation above the confined aquifer ...
A two-dimensional finite-difference computer model was used to project changes in the potentiometric surface, saturated thickness, and streamaquifer leakage in an alluvial aquifer resulting from four instances of projected ground-water development. The alluvial aquifer occurs in the South Fork Solomon R...