Learn about the Amazon River. Learn where the Amazon River is located, how wide and long the Amazon River is, where it starts, and see Amazon River...
Amazon River Facts The Amazon River flows through South America, providing essential hydration to plants, animals, and people as it courses from the Andes mountains to the Atlantic. Thousands of species of fish and mammals make their home in its water and even more use its banks and the surro...
The Yangtze River is the longest and busiest river in Asia, the longest river in the world that flows entirely within one country. and the third longest river in the world after the Nile and the Amazon. Extending for 6,380 kilometers (3,964 miles), it is the sixth-largest river in th...
The Amazon River in South America is an amazing and important river for the planet and therefore, you need to know about it. Here are the eight most important things you need to know about the Amazon River. The Amazon River carries more water than any other river in the world. In fact,...
Amazon River Dolphin Facts (Inia Geoffrensis) INFORMATION AND CHARACTERISTICS. Other common names of this dolphin are Boto, bufeo and pink river dolphin. Among the river dolphins, this species is the largest, best known, most researched and with the largest population. There are three subspecies...
Information recall- remember the information you learned about how this river flows Additional Learning Get more comfortable with information about this river using the lesson called Amazon River Facts: Lesson for Kids. In this lesson, you can: ...
Yangtze River facts: The 6380 km splendidYangtze Riveris the largest river in China and the third longest in the world surpassed by the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America. Unlike the Nile and Amazon flow through several countries along their courses, Yangtze River flows entirely wi...
The Nile River Facts & Worksheets The Nile River, Arabic Bar Al-Nl or Nahr Al-Nl, is the world's longest river known as the "Father of African Rivers." It begins south of the Equator and runs north through northern Africa until emptying into the Mediterranean Sea.Worksheets...
Winding about 3,964 miles, Yangtze River is the largest in China and the third largest in the world after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America. Originating from the Tanggula Range in Qinghai Province in western China, it traverses eleven provinces and cities from west to east...
For further facts about the Amazon, you can visit theWWF website. Additionally, go to Hamline University'sCenter for Global Environmental Education websitefor more information about the river and to test your knowledge of the Amazon. Bibliography...