RIVALS OF AETHER is an indie fighting game set in a world where civilizations wage war by summoning the power of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Choose a Rival to bring into the battlefield and manipulate the powers of the classical elements and animal movement. Unravel the mysterious conflicts...
Overview RIVALS OF AETHER is an indie fighting game set in a world where warring civilizations summon the power of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Choose a Rival to bring into the battlefield and manipulate the powers of the classical elements and animal mo
Rivals of Aether has finally arrived! RIVALS OF AETHER is an indie fighting game set in a world where warring civilizations summon the power of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Choose a Rival to bring into the battlefield and manipulate the powers of the classical elements and animal movement....
《Rivals of Aether II》是新一代的平台格斗游戏与多人乱斗游戏。这款备受欢迎的独立格斗游戏续作在《Rivals of Aether》上多方面进行了扩展和提升。我们加入了3D视觉效果、全新的游戏机制、优化的在线支持等有趣内容! 以太宇宙是个充满纷争的世界,各个文明召唤火、水、风、土的元素之力,而强大的战士们利用这些力...
《Rivals of Aether II》是备受欢迎的独立格斗游戏《Rivals of Aether》的续作。在这一全新世代的平台格斗游戏中,您可操作全新的元素战士或熟悉的经典角色来展开激烈对决!
像素游戏推荐:以太之..以太之战:rivals of aether感觉最近有些冷清啊, 但是本人玩的jrpg相比较吧友来说太少了,不过既然这里都是热爱像素的,因此推荐个像素格斗游戏应该也有人看吧,这次就以出招表的形式来介绍吧
App 【Rivals of Aether】四人Mod乱斗,优华VS罗兰VSsansVSchara 1.4万 17 04:07 App 【Rivals of Aether】Mod人物高手的单挑,基拉祈VS罗兰 1.7万 19 02:35 App 【Rivals of Aether】汉化版罗兰Mod试玩 2.5万 21 03:30 App Rivals of Aether 维吉尔(坐在塑料凳子上的) 创意工坊角色 ...
Rivals of Aether has finally arrived! RIVALS OF AETHER is an indie fighting game set in a world where warring civilizations summon the power of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Choose a Rival to bring into the battlefield and manipulate the powers of the classical elements and animal movement....
注:在以太另一个游戏《Dungeons of Aether》中,有SandBert的身影。 2、Guadua 作者:CapnYoungblood(ROA官方) 个人评分:★★★ 在一些Mod制作者中,除了用SandBert做自己的角色,另一批人,就是用这只熊猫来当模板制作。虽然生在创意工坊中,但她也是官方角色,官方也是给大家展示一下,如何做出更加复杂的角色。 Guad...