10. If a good is non-rivalrousbut excludable, a private provider of that good can only remain in business by charging the users a positive price. 如果某货物产品没有竞争对手但量够多,一个该产品的私人供应商只有通过付用户确实的价格才能维持他的生意。
Public goodsFree riderNon-excludableNon-rivalThe non-excludable and non-rivalrous characteristics of public goods distinguish them from private goods.The existence of these two characteristics leads to theWenqing ChenUniversity of Birmingham Birmingham B152TT United Kingdom商业经济研究(百图)...
C. Koulovatianos and L.J. Mirman. The Effects of Market Structure on Industry Growth: Rivalrous Non-Excludable Capital. J. Econ. Theory, 133(1):199-218, 2009.Koulovatianos C, Mirman LJ (2007) The effects of market structure on industry growth: rivalrous non-excludable capital. J Econ...
Koulovatianos C, Mirman LJ (2007) The effects of market structure on industry growth: rivalrous non-excludable capital. J Econ Theory 133(1):199–218 View Article MATH MathSciNetC. Koulovatianos and L.J. Mirman. The Effects of Market Structure on Industry Growth: Rivalrous Non-Excludable...