SteelSeries Rival 110 Gaming Mouse 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 SteelSeries Rival 110 游戏鼠标 29.96 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
Rival 110 Gaming Mouse - 7,200 CPI TrueMove1 Optical Sensor - Lightweight Design - RGB Lighting 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Rival 110 7200cpi 游戏鼠标 29.99 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
SteelSeries Rival 110 Gaming Mouse - 7,200 CPI TrueMove1 Optical Sensor - Lightweight Design - RGB Lighting 赛睿 Rival 110 RGB 游戏鼠标,美国亚马逊热销,121人4.4星好评。原价$39.99,现6.4折。 Steelseries 赛睿 Rival 110 RGB 游戏鼠标 ,人体工学设计,耐用的机械按键可承受 3000 万次点击,携手 PixArt 打...
Rival106继承了经典鼠标kana的设计语言,“Kana inspired competitive gaming mouse”这点在官网上的介绍甚至产品包装上都能看到。所以说句玩笑话,它叫Kana v3或许比Rival106要更合适,毕竟不少老玩家对6年前的Kana系列念念不忘,这样的命名除了更贴合产品特性外还能唤醒一部分老玩家的情怀。 开箱及外观 包装还是沿袭了赛...
我最近使用的是赛睿「PrimeWirelessGamingMouse」,它采用Prestige OM光磁开关,响应时间更快,同时它采用的是市面上最耐用的微动,能提供1亿次按键,激情四射的游戏玩家再也不用担心产品的按键寿命了,应该说买一个产品只要你不想换就可以用好多年,性价比超高!用无线游戏鼠标最担心的是什么?就怕丢失信号或者延迟极高!「...
SteelSeries 62331 Rival 700 Gaming Mouse, OLED Display, Tactile Alerts, 16000 CPI, Multicolor ¥99.99美 去购买 开箱 午休迫不及待的回家取了包裹. 就在公司里开箱了. 美亚标准小盒子加缓冲气泡, 盒子外面还包了一层塑料纸. 很普通的双层纸盒包装, 上面写了鼠标的特(xue)点(tou)和型号 ...
Rivalcfg is a Python library and a CLI utility program that allows you to configure SteelSeries gaming mice on Linux and Windows (probably works on BSD and Mac OS too, but not tested).I first created this program to configure my Rival 100 and the original Rival mice, then I added ...
ok mouse Pros: The mouse itself is great. Cons: After about two months of gaming I noticed that the glue from he pads on the side of the mouse came off and gets on your hands. Spoke to the people and said it was not covered under warranty. The mouse itself is great but I wouldn...
A generic support of mouse buttons mapping was added (rewriting of what was originally done for the Sensei [RAW]). The following devices now support it: Rival 300 / Original Rival family Sensei [RAW] family Regressions: The following things were removed for this release: ...