Garda湖畔嶙峋的山峰时常有云雾萦绕 在Du Lac et Du Parc最常见到的动物就是优哉游哉的鸭子,它们会蠢萌的追着人要食物,甚至会来到你一楼房间的阳台“探访”,为了接待这些访客,记者买来的葡萄自己都基本没怎么吃;酒店清澈的水池有很多鱼,让人感觉怡然自得(不过作为一位中国人,难免会想这些鱼应该会很好吃)。 美...
加尔达湖北岸Riva del Garda里瓦小镇被誉为加尓达湖的明珠,的确如此,如果说柠檬小镇是小家碧玉,马尔切西内是大家闺秀,那么里瓦就是豪门贵族了!到了这里无形中给你的感觉就是大气,它的建筑、街道风格也有异其他小镇,也许是因为在1918年以前,里瓦隶属于当时的奥匈帝国吧,沾染上了奥匈帝国的贵气/呲牙。 在...
38066 Riva del Garda Tel: 0039 0464 576657 Fax: 0039 0464 521222 Check Availability Du Lac et Du Parc Grand Resort Viale Rovereto, 44 38066 Riva del Garda Tel: 0039 0464 566600 Fax: 0039 0464 566566
Ospitalità e natura, dove il Garda incontra le Dolomiti. Agritur Comai, appartamenti e camere, aperto tutto l'anno. Agriturismo a Riva del Garda, Lago di Garda, Trentino.
网络加尔达的里瓦;加尔达湖滨市 网络释义
Riva del Garda Riva del Garda is one of the most important holiday destinations in northern Italy. Two of the top Lake Garda resorts for the English-speaking market are Riva del Garda on the northern end of the lake and the resort of...
Riva del Garda - Geography This is perhaps the most important and well-known town on the shores of Lake Garda. It lies on the north-western side of the lake, at the foot of Monte Rocchetta (1575 m), which soars above it. Along the main road that leads to Torbole sul Garda you can...
38066 Riva del Garda (TN) - Tel. 0464 521642 AGRITUR MASO SANTA LUCIA Loc. Santa Lucia 38074 Dro (TN) AGRITURISMO MASO BERGOT Via Cerere, 61 38062 Arco (TN) - Tel. 0464 512878 LOCANDA BELLA ITALIA Via Filiselle 16 ...
Prenditi cura del tuo sorriso con i servizi odontoiatrici dello Studio Dentistico Onderkova a Riva del Garda. Contattaci ad uno dei nostri recapiti e prenota.
小镇瓦德尔加尔达(Riva del Garda)我们终于来到了湖岸最北部的小镇,被誉为“加尔达湖北部明珠” 的瓦德尔加尔达(Riva del Garda)。进入小镇前的道路两岸有两排停车场,不过多数时