All Ritz-Carlton Waikiki Residences for sale with floor plans, description of many important details about the project, such as short-term renting rules. Only on Hawaii Living.
优越的地理位置就是Waikiki海滩 但是整体来说夏威夷的酒店都蛮古老的除了顶奢 所以这个价格是偏高的 酒店房间里有微波炉各种餐具还有洗衣机和烘干机是很厉害的 但这个ritz没有自己的海滩 只有一个空中小泳池 也不是无边的 日韩人在这个酒店真的是很友好
威基基海滩丽思卡尔顿公寓式酒店(The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Waikiki Beach Hotel) 价格说明 划线价格为参考价,该价格指商品或服务的门市价、服务提供商的指导价、零售价或该商品或服务曾经展示过的销售价等,并非原价;由于产品信息实时更新、市场价格波动等可能会与您预订时展示的不一致,该价格仅供您参考。
威基基海滩丽思卡尔顿公寓酒店 (The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Waikiki Beach) 5等级(最高为5等级) 383 Kalaimoku Street, 威基基, 火奴鲁鲁(HI), 美国, 96815 - 查看地图 在威基基海滩丽思卡尔顿酒店体验威基基的活力。这家令人惊叹的酒店非常适合寻求豪华夏威夷度假的两位旅客,可通往金色沙滩、世界一流的购物场...
The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Waikiki Beach酒店地处通往威基基(Waikiki)的必经之地,地理位置优越,其门口即是Luxury Row Shopping购物中心。酒店提供装饰独特的一室公寓、套房和顶层公寓。所有住宿均享有无与伦比的太平洋美景。酒店设施包括带凉亭且高于威基基的无边泳池以及提供着重于不同文化传统的定制护理服务的The ...
The Ritz-Carlton Residences Waikiki Beach 威基基海滩丽思卡尔顿酒店 383 Kalaimoku Street, 威基基, 檀香山, HI 96815, 美国 查看所有图片 电话:+1-844-244-1100 网址:
beach location, closer to the Ala Wai Canal than the beach, a 15-minute walk from the lobby to the public strand in front of Hilton Hawaiian Village, a stone's throw from superlative Luxury Row shopping—Gucci, Armani and Tiffany—this is perhaps the premier residential offering in Waikiki....
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The Ritz-Carlton Residences Waikiki Beach opened its second tower in the last quarter of 2018, and with the property now operating with its full complement of accommodations, final touches and amenities are being added in 2019 at one of Honolulu's newest
11. The Ritz-Carlton Residences Waikiki Beach, Hawaii: Save up to 30% on Suites + STARS Benefits The Ritz-Carlton Residences Waikiki Beach is our favorite option in Waikiki, especially for families who want a fully equipped kitchen and the convenience of a washer and dryer. ...