FOLLOW US ON Subscribe to our eNewsletter Sign Up Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 ©...
先前就曾經與慕尼黑文華東方酒店合作過時尚下午茶的頂級鞋履品牌Jimmy Choo,今年則和全球最高酒店:香港麗思卡爾頓酒店(Ritz-Carltom Hong Kong)聯手,在酒店內的The Lounge & Bar中,以品牌的2014年秋冬系列作為靈感,為時髦男女打造特調雞尾酒「His & Her」。 這兩款雞尾酒是由酒店內世界級的調酒師Lewis Tseng所打...
携程旅行为您提供香港丽思卡尔顿酒店(The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong)预订及价格查询,涵盖香港丽思卡尔顿酒店(The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong)电话、服务设施、地址交通及周边酒店信息,真实详细的香港丽思卡尔顿酒店(The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong)点评、酒店图片信息,使您入
Occupying the top 16 floors of the International Commerce Centre – the tallest building in Hong Kong – The Ritz-Carlton offers the ultimate experience for all its guests, not least the spectacular view of the Hong Kong skyline from the luxurious rooms, Italian fine dining at Michelin-starred...
Read 107 tips and reviews from 8198 visitors about scenic views, 118th floor and tea. "The hotel is located on the top of the tallest building in Hong..."
香港麗思卡爾頓酒店 (The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong)(香港) 2025年超值優惠,每晚最低價TWD14026起。位於尖沙咀的香港麗思卡爾頓酒店是您旅遊探索香港和其周邊地區的最佳選擇。 這家5星級飯店離機場僅有32.8 Km的路程,交通方便。 坐擁良好的自然環境,比鄰International Com
Stay at the Ritz-Carlton, one of Hong Kong's most luxurious hotels, with Remote Lands, the world's foremost luxury Asia travel designer
Shop hotel products from takeaway afternoon tea, picnic basket, roast, cake and dessert for pickup or delivery, shop spa treatment from The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Hong Kong. Gift ideas from best Hotel quality bed linens, flower bouquets and more.
Perched on the upper floors of a Kowloon skyscraper with sweeping views of Victoria Harbour, The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong provides access to shopping, museums, theaters, historical sites, and charming neighborhoods. Insider Tip Enjoy ...
香港麗思卡爾頓酒店 (The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong)(香港) 2025年超值優惠,每晚最低價TWD14006起。位於尖沙咀的香港麗思卡爾頓酒店是您旅遊探索香港和其周邊地區的最佳選擇。 這家5星級飯店離機場僅有32.8 Km的路程,交通方便。 坐擁良好的自然環境,比鄰International Com