Hellfire Summoning Spell: A spell used to summon Hellfire. First Incantation: Ater ignus, fusce fume. Te evoco ut potentium tuam monstres. Cupidibus flammis hic veni. Caelo sub isto, harc arborem consumo. tenebrasque tuas monstra. tuum evoco ad devorandum. Hanc arborem ac omnes hospit...
A shaman may address a question in thought to his “helping spirit” and then experience ideas that are interpreted as the spirit’s response to the question. A shaman may also summon a spirit to enter his body, and the spirit may speak through the shaman’s mouth. On such occasions the...
would be in danger. Magical circle, talisman, amulet, special powdered concoction, and seals are examples of protective tools used. A triangle is often drawn and in it will the spirit be forced to manifest. The magician uses special incantation and other tools to summon the souls of the ...
Each wish in Thy name must come to bePowers and Forces which Tides do makeNow summon Thy waves, my spell to take 6 Leave the area believing that your wish will come true. As the tide moves in, the shell will wash away, and your wish will be taken by the universe, to the Old ...